Student Stories, Achievements & Community Updates

ACC Debating Win
On Monday 30 October, St Bede’s College was represented by two teams in the ACC Debating competition at St Bernard’s College in Essendon. A group of students from our Bentleigh East campus competed in Division 2, and a group from our Mentone campus took on Division 1.
Students were prepared to debate the topic ‘That we should restrict junk food and sugary drinks for people aged over 18’ in the first round, with each team narrowly defeated. In round 2 students debated ‘That we should ban animal racing,’ this time with a win for both teams. Teams then embarked on their biggest challenge in the final round, where they knew that the topic of the debate would be to do with health, but the topic announced only 45 minutes prior to the debate starting time. The topic was ‘That the government should supply students in Victoria with free bikes.'
In Division 2, our Bentleigh East Campus team tied with two other teams at the top of the ladder with two wins, but when total points were calculated they finished in third place – an excellent result for the team.
In Division 1, the team of Mentone Campus students finished on top of their ladder and with the highest total points across the competition, bringing home the flag for this event. What a thrilling finish for the team where many members of the team were in their first-ever competitive debate, quite an achievement!
Congratulations to all students involved who contributed to this fantastic day where both campuses were able to work together. It was a wonderful learning experience for all who were able to get out of their comfort zones and grow in their confidence and debating abilities, and we look forward to defending this title next year!
ACC Junior Public Speaking Win
Big congratulations to our Junior Public Speaking team, who just won the 2023 ACC Junior Public Speaking Competition!
All four speakers brought their A-Game of enthusiasm, confidence and passion for this very notable win. The College's Debating Coordinator, Robyn Kensley is beaming with pride for the team.
"This ACC Public Speaking win brings a new chapter in history.
2023 was the first time an Open ACC Competition was held to allow public speakers from VCE year levels to compete in this field. And, this is the first time a school has taken home the Champions’ pennants for the Junior, Intermediate and Open ACC Public Speaking competitions in one school year.
An awesome effort that is testament to the depth of public speaking talent here at St Bede’s College!"
A huge round of applause to our dream team!
Year 7 - Archer Appleby, Jack Mair and Dan Pickett
Year 8 - Aaron Vu
Year 7 Reptile Incursions
Recently in Science class, we held a Reptile Encounters incursion for Year 7s to accompany their unit on Classification. The cross-campus workshops gave our students an opportunity to get up close and handle a range of wildlife, whilst learning how to correctly classify them based on their physical characteristics.
"For the last couple weeks in Science, our year level have been learning about Classifications. Reptile Encounters came to the College, with lots of different types of animals for us to hold. We learnt all about the different kinds of animals and what classification these animals fit into. This was a great experience for our class and year level - we all loved it." Jackson Bryant
"In October, we got an amazing opportunity to participate in a reptile encounters incursion. In this incursion, we got to learn more about the animals, for example, their kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genesis and species. As well as learning about animal classification, we also got to learn about their trophic levels. Trophic levels mean that the animals are ranked on hierarchal levels in an ecosystem. And last but not least, we got to pat the beautiful and cute mammals, reptiles, nocturnal animals and more. My favourites were probably the tree frog and the sugar glider." Alexander Koriev
Community Updates
Frankston Line Works
Trains have now returned to the Frankston Line following 2 weeks of major works to construct the new 1.8km temporary rail track at Parkdale.
Trains will run on this track until mid 2024. Parkdale Station will remain closed until mid-2024 while the new station is being built. Throughout this time, a shuttle bus service will travel between Mentone and Mordialloc stations, connecting Parkdale Station passengers to the Frankston Line.
To stay up to date, please visit the Level Crossing Removal Project website.
In Memoriam
Our thoughts and prayers are with Damien March (St Bede's College staff) and his family amid the passing away of his mother, Margaret Irene March (affectionately known as Irene).
We extend our deepest sympathies at the passing of Jordana Thomson, former St Bede's College staff member, who passed away after a 6-month battle with ovarian cancer. Jordana was just 43, and leaves behind two young sons. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, and her friends and colleagues from the College.
“O Lord, we call upon You in our time of sorrow, that You give us the strength and will to bear our heavy burdens, until we can again feel the warmth and love of Your divine compassion. Be mindful of us and have mercy on us while we struggle to comprehend.”