Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Briony Zagame

Contributed by the Rick Roll Raisins


Today in SAKG the year 3/4 class made Pumpkin Stir-Fry served with Honey Soy dressing and homemade with Egg Noodles. We also made Rhubarb and Lemon Muffins.

From the Garden we harvested:

Lemons, eggs, spring onion and rhubarb

A special thanks to the Holmes-Brown Family for sharing some from your garden!


Overall it was an amazing meal, but only ONE could win... And the winner was Rhubarb Muffins by a thread!


It was lots of fun for all of us and we hoped you all enjoyed your meal.


Happy Eating!

Cody and Chase rolling the noodles
Cody and Chase rolling the noodles
Hudson serving the muffins
Hudson serving the muffins
Cooked egg noodles
Cooked egg noodles