Years F-6 Coordinator

Kim Fitzpatrick

F-6 Key Dates:
Mon6thStay Late Yr F &1
Mon6thSchool Sleepover Yr 2 & 3
Tues7thMelbourne Cup - Pupil Free
Fri10th Kinder Transition Day 1
Fri17thKinder Transition Day 2
Tues21stYr 6-7 Transition Information Night 5:30pm
Mon 4th Pupil Free Day
Tues  5th

F6 Swimming Program 

Day 1

Weds6thYr 6-7 Transition Day

Star Students

Foundation: Ryan, for his best efforts using forehand writing tricks.

Year 3 & 4: Tom F for working well in Grammar.

Mrs Fahey’s Maths Awards: 

Tom: 34% improvement in Measurement.

Archie: 41% improvement in Measurement. 

Noah: 30% improvement in Measurement and 83% improvement in Beta.

Cody: 27% improvement in Measurement. 


Reading Awards

A few more certificates were awarded to the following students on Monday:

100 nights: Isabella

150 nights: Chace

Our first student to 250 nights reading this year is Lacey! Great work!



Nate and Charlott have completed Part F of MacqLit. Top job!


Book Recommendation

Jacinta recommended Rise of the Mythix – Golden Unicorn, by Anh Do. She describes it as science fiction, adventure and fantasy. It is set in a city in America. The characters are Kelly, Hannah and the Soul Collector. Kelly tries to be average, but her powers make this difficult, especially when her mother is taken by the Soul Collector. Can she be the one in the prophecy? Is she...the Golden Unicorn? Jacinta rates it 4.5 stars and recommends it to students in year 3 and above. 


Calder Cricket Carnival

On Thursday, 19th of October students from Years 5 & 6 travelled across to Boort, to take part in the annual Calder Cricket Carnival. In perfect cricketing conditions, 10 teams took part in a 3-round tournament, resulting in each team participating in a final. After a bit of a slow start, the College team went on a roll, winning their last 2 games! They then played their best all round game of the day, taking out their final and finishing 3rd. A big congratulations to all students on the way they conducted themselves, demonstrating great teamwork and sportsmanship. A big thank-you to Mr. McCallum for organising the day and also to the Sport & Recreation students for taking on umpiring and scoring duties. 

Around the classrooms

How gorgeous are our Year 12 VCE students!

On their last day of school the Foundation class threw them a party.

Then yesterday, after they finished their English exam, they visited again….

This is a gift they gave Lizzie and they spoilt the Foundation students with a book each!

Renee, Charlie and Ashton playing the subitising counter drop game. Who ever said, maths isn’t fun!

Last Thursday, the VET Animal Studies students gave presentations about different animals to our students.

They learnt about rabbits and even got to pat one.