Year 7
Students have been working hard on their gymnastics routine, which is an excellent way to develop strength, flexibility, and coordination. Students have shown great dedication in creating and presenting a group based cheerleading/gymnastics routine. The routine involved a series of movements, including tumbling, turns/rotations, and balancing, which require a high level of skill and technique. Year 7 have been practicing their routine for several weeks, and they were excited to showcase their skills in front of their peers and teachers.
Year 8
Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and Year 8 have been learning about the importance of considering and improving their mental health as well as checking in on their friends and loved ones. The Bite Back mental health fitness challenge from the Black Dog Institute is a national mental health initiative that aims to improve your friendships, learn how to deal with stress and to set goals and stick to them.
Year 8 students have been discussing the signs of mental health issues and how to approach situations that we perceive as stressors. They have also been learning about the resources available to them if they or someone they know needs help.
Year 8 have also been enjoying their touch football unit in Physical Education. Touch football is a fast-paced, non-contact sport that requires speed, agility, and teamwork. Students have been learning the rules of the game, as well as the skills and strategies needed to be successful. They have been practising their passing, catching, and attacking plays, as well as their defensive techniques. Students have been divided into teams and have been playing games against each other, which has been a great way to develop their skills and work as a member of a team.
Year 9
In today's digital age, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and dangers of the internet. Year 9 students have been learning about online safety and how to protect themselves from cyberbullying, identity theft, misinformation and other online threats. They have been discussing the importance of privacy settings, password security, and safe online behaviour. Students have also been learning about the consequences of inappropriate online behaviour and how to report any concerns to a trusted adult or authority.
Students have explored a range of areas where safety is critical, including the outdoor environment - particularly sun safety - and as summer approaches, the water environment. Students recently spent time assessing our local waterways; looking closely at Lake Albert and how it is used by a variety of user groups. Students investigated the characteristics of the Lake, potential hazards, risks and ways to minimise the risk.
Last term students developed their skills in AFL, with many more confident and experienced students sharing their knowledge with their peers and becoming the ‘experts’ in the area, creating opportunities for peer teaching of skills such as bouncing the ball, kicking and marking.
This term the focus is currently on striking and fielding games such as T-ball and softball.
Softball and baseball are popular sports that require hand-eye coordination, speed, and agility. Year 9 have been practising their batting, pitching, and fielding skills, as well as their teamwork and communication. They have been divided into teams and have been playing games against each other, using strategies and peer feedback to determine team objectives to score runs and effect outs.
Year 10
Year 10 students have been learning about the importance of valuing diversity. Diversity refers to the differences that exist between people, including their race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and ability. Students have been discussing the benefits of diversity and how it can enrich their lives and the lives of others. They have also been learning about the negative effects of discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes and how to promote inclusivity and respect.
Year 10 have also been enjoying their invasion court games unit in Physical Education. Tchoukball is a fast-paced, non-contact sport that requires speed, agility, and teamwork. The students have been learning the rules of the game, as well as the skills and strategies needed to be successful. They have been practising their passing, catching, and shooting skills, as well as how to prevent goals from being scored in a rare sport that sees teams able to score at either end of the court.
Year 9
Outdoor Education
Year 9 have been enjoying their kayaking unit in Outdoor Education. The students have been learning the basics of kayaking, including how to paddle, steer, and maneuver their kayak. They have also been learning about water safety and how to respond to emergencies. Students have been kayaking on Lake Albert, which has been a beautiful and scenic location for their outdoor adventure. We thank Mrs Baggio, Mr Bailey and Mrs Curran for organising and running this wonderful experience outside of the normal classroom.
Year 10 Child Studies
At the end of last term students had a visit from Mrs Stacey Curran (teacher and parent) and her two children Cooper and Ted, who shared her experiences and thoughts on parenting young children in the digital era. Mrs Curran discussed current practices and challenges facing parents regarding screen time and the access to media. Year 10 students loved interacting with Ted and Cooper and learnt a lot about how technology, screens and television are managed by families today.
Mr Matthew Hope | PDHPE KLA Leader