
Practising Reading and Writing
Students are taught explicitly in English about processes to improve their reading and writing. To better internalise these processes, the English department asks students to complement their class work with a structured program of reading and writing at home.
Students in Stages 4 and 5 are asked to select and read a minimum of four novels per year from the suggested reading lists on each course’s Canvas page. Once they have completed the required reading, students can choose their own texts to read. Audiobooks are available for students who need them, the only requirement being that students read along with the spoken text. Students in Stage 6 have a prescribed text and are given a range of shorter reading and writing tasks that develop their understanding of the Common Module.
Students in Stages 4 and 5 have been given weekly writing tasks that extend their thinking and prompt personal understanding and expression of the key ideas in English. The minimum lengths of these tasks are not onerous, but all students are asked to plan, draft and edit each piece. In Stage 6, students complete ongoing writing tasks related to the Common Module. The completion of reading and writing practice is checked in class each fortnight. We thank parents and carers for their support in developing these fundamental skills.
Mr Shaun Ellis | English KLA Leader