Principal's Address

In Term 4, the newsletter will be published twice; this edition in Week 4 and the edition in Week 8.
Refurbishment of the Visual Arts Studios
The long awaited building project is now well underway with the new joinery in place and frames for the glass sliding doors between the learning areas installed. The new space will offer both Visual Arts and STEAM a light and airy contemporary learning environment that can cater for up to 100 students. The project is due for completion in time for the commencement of the 2024 school year.
Blessed Nano Nagle
A very significant celebration at the College occurs each year on 21 November as we acknowledge the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the Feast Day of the Presentation Sisters, who have played a significant role in the history of Catholic Education in Wagga and continue to support our community to imbue the College with the spirit of the foundress, Venerable Nano Nagle.
Later that week, we will welcome the Presentation Sisters to our College Liturgy and Assembly to celebrate the legacy of Nano Nagle. It will be an opportunity for us to thank the Sisters for their service to our Wagga community over the years. As we reflect on the Presentation charism and spirituality, we remember with gratitude the pioneering spirit of the early Sisters who brought the message of love and hope from Ireland and we give thanks for all those who continue their work in new ways in our contemporary world.
We pray:
In the face of fear, she chose to be daring,
In the face of anxiety, she chose to trust,
In the face of impossibility, she chose to begin,
To universal misery, she proposed ministry to persons;
To ignorance, knowledge; to disillusionment, tenacity of purpose;
And to multiple vexations, singleness of heart.
Faced with failure, she held fast to hope;
Faced with death, she believed in a living future;
A programme for the future she gave in one word;
Raphael Consedine, PBVM Melbourne
College Council
The College Council will meet for next week for the final time this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Chair, Mr Andrew McIntosh for his strong leadership and commitment to the College during the last year. As we have resumed life in a post COVID world, Andrew’s leadership of the Council has been invaluable in ensuring a parent voice across a range of key areas of College life.
We also farewell Mrs Angela McGill, who has been a Council Member for five years and has been a dedicated member during this time, offering support and advice across a range of areas. I thank Ange on behalf of our parent community for her voice on the Council.
I also acknowledge the contribution of the remaining members of the College Council; Mr Andrew Nicholson, Mrs Emma Peterson, Ms Rhena Geraghty, Mrs Cath Banks and Mr Daryl Lawrence during 2023 and thank them for their commitment to Mater Dei. I also take this opportunity to thank Mrs Cindee Mallise who provides administrative support. The Council plays a vital role as representatives of our College families and embodies the strong partnership between home and school in the education of our students.
Save The Date - Welcome to New Students and Families for 2024
Two Orientation Days are taking place for incoming students. New enrolments for Year 8 to Year 11 2024 will join us on Friday, 24 November for the day and Year 7 2024 will attend their Orientation Day at the College on Friday, 1 December. We are looking forward to two fantastic days as we welcome our new students to Mater Dei.
Parents/carers and new students from all year groups are warmly invited to attend the on site meeting on Tuesday, 28 November at 6.00pm to 7.00pm. Come along to meet key staff and learn more about Year 7, which commences on Wednesday, 31 January 2024 with Year 12 and Years 8 to 11, who commence on Thursday, 1 February. The first part of the meeting will also be videoed for boarding families and those unable to attend in person.
A reminder that the Uniform Shop will be open on both Friday 24 November and Friday 1 December to assist new families, as well as the regular advertised hours.
End of Year Celebrations – Responsibilities for Parent Organised Functions
Parents are reminded that the College does not organise or endorse any end of year Parties. This includes a Year 10 Formal. In past years, confusion has arisen with parents incorrectly assuming that any Year 10 Formal is a College organised event. However, this is not the case and any celebration, if it was to take place, is a privately organised gathering.
Parents are not to use the College name not be used in any booking or publicity material. There is no legal indemnity / insurance / duty of care from the College or CEDWW over this event and no responsibility can be taken for anything that may occur on the night. Thank you in advance to parents/carers for their commitment to keeping their sons and daughters safe at private social events.
Staff Update
We have a number of staff changes for 2024. A full update including resignations/retirements and appointments will be included in the final newsletter for this year.
Prayers Please
Please keep our Year 12 students in your prayers as they prepare for their Graduation on Friday night 10 November at The Range. A full report of the Graduation will feature in the next newsletter, which will be the final publication for 2023.
As we journey towards the end of our Liturgical Year with the Feast of Christ on 26 November, the words of Pope Francis offer us great inspiration. Speaking of this great Feast, he urges us forward in “our commitment to imitating Jesus, our King, making present his kingdom with acts of tenderness, compassion and mercy.” Inspired by the work, heart and spirit of Nano Nagle at this time, we pray for all members of our College community that each of us may live the message of the Gospels every day in our words and in our deeds.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal