Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett
What a busy couple of weeks it has been at St Pats! We've all come back from our long weekend refreshed and ready to finish off the term with more super-star learning. Some highlights from the Foundation class are:
- Kaboom Sports
- Starting our 'Diary of a Wombat' text-based unit.
- Finishing our learning of 'Money and Financial Maths' and learning a new game titled "GET OUT OF MY SHOP'.
Grade 1-2 Miss Hart
On Thursday the 9th of November, students in F-2 travelled to Kyabram P-12 College to enjoy a morning out in the sunshine trying all new types of sports. Kaboom Sports is a fantastic opportunity for students to interact with students from surrounding schools and participate in physical activities. With a strong emphasis on multi-age teamwork and an explosive energy atmosphere - we were destined for an AWESOME day! Students in 1-2 Hart had the chance to write about their experience and here are some of the highlights!
I really enjoyed playing ‘Catch Ball’, I was able to catch the ball in the net 6 times - Francis
The ‘Circus activities’ were my favourite. - Addie
I enjoyed ‘Mini Golf’, however, I didn’t get a golfball through the pipe! - Tom
The Parachute was fun, especially when the chickens flew everywhere! - Ben
I had a couple of favourites. The main one was when we jumped on the catapults to launch the pretend fruit into the air. - Jaxon
I liked playing catch with the nets and spiky ball with my partner. - Charlie
I loved seeing my cousins. - Liam
There were so many fun games. I can’t choose a favourite, but I had so much fun. - Stevie
I really liked seeing all of my friends from other schools and playing with them. - Edith
All of the activities were fun and everyone in my group loved it. - Sophie
It was really funny to watch and follow Miss Hart dance in front of everyone. - Zara
It was super cool to see my sisters’ school and play fun games with all of my
friends. -Maddie
Grade 1-2 Ms Hayes
Kaboom Sports
This week the students in Foundation to Grade 2 participated in ‘Kaboom Sports’, we wanted to share our favourite parts/activities from the day:
Student | Activity |
Lani | Using the mini parachute with my partner and trying to catch a ball. |
Ollie | Using the large parachute and trying to get all the toy chickens off it. |
James | Using the large parachute and trying to get all the toy chickens off it. |
Sydnee | Kicking the soccer balls through the goals (the goals had some halloween faces in the middle). |
Phoebe | Using the large parachute and trying to get all the toy chickens off it. |
Ryder | Throwing the little spiky balls through shapes cut out of movie character faces. |
Eden | Using the large parachute and trying to get all the toy chickens off it. |
Tully | Using the large parachute and trying to get all the toy chickens off it. |
George | The meditation/cool down activities where we played dead fish. |
Addison | The meditation/cool down activities where we played dead fish. |
Maths - Fractions
Last week we finished our Maths unit on Fractions. During this unit students participated in many different activities where they had to look at the whole and then worked out how many parts were missing or were a different colour. Some students had to focus on the language numerator and denominator and they were working on writing fractions the correct way.
Grade 3-4
Last week, the 3/4 classes attended the Wranga Summer Sports over at Tongala Primary School. It was great to see all the children playing an array of games, some new and some old favourites. They all displayed great sportsmanship on the day and enjoyed the opportunity to mix with other students from other schools.
As a part of our final assessment for our text base unit, 'The Elves and the Shoemaker', the students worked in small groups to create and write a readers theatre script. They then rehearsed their script as a group and then presented in front of all the 3/4 class groups.
Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen
Our Grade 6 students have begun preparing to transition from St Patrick's to high school next year. To help them with this transition, the students have been working with Morgan, our chaplain weekly, to develop their slideshows for the end of the year and discuss anything they are worried or excited about for next year. They also recently participated in Headspace’s Grade 6 Transition program via zoom with other children from all over Australia. They discussed what changes might be expected and explored some tools that might help students deal with these changes. It was fantastic to hear the students discuss their thoughts around what next year might bring them with their peers.
Our class has been preparing for our Liturgy which will be held on Tuesday morning. The focus is Remembrance Day. We will spend the following days learning about Remembrance Day and the importance it holds in Australia.
Our Catholic Identity leaders Deklen, Connor, Riann, Lachy and Andrea did an amazing job of helping run the Socktober day. They helped plan the events, helped run some of the activities, promoted the event and collected and counted the money raised. It is great to see our leaders taking on a variety of opportunities to show their leadership skills.