Message From Our Principal

Mrs Jackie Stockdale

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day, an opportunity to stop, remember and pray for, not only those brave men and women who died or were wounded in conflict but for peace in our lives and our country. It is an important time to gather in silence, and reflect on the sacrifices made for our wonderful, free country. 


It is with great pleasure and excitement that I can announce the St Patrick's staff for 2024:



Foundation- Grade 1


Ms Lauren Bennett

Grade 1-2


Ms Jaleigha Hart
Grade 3

Mrs Ashlea Stock (Monday-Thursday)

Mrs Maddie Tyler (Friday)


Grade 4


Mrs Geenah Loughran

Grade 5-6


Ms Katie Rasmussen


Our specialist teachers will be:

Italian              Mrs Lisa Corso (Monday & Tuesday)

STEM              Mrs Fiona McKiernan (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Art                    Mrs Sarah Hill (Wednesday & Thursday)

Sport               Ms Kate Nicholds (Thursday & Friday)



Our Learning Support Officers (LSO’s) will be:

Abby VanHaaster

Dani Dodman

Emma Keirl

Rachael Currey

Monica Tucker


Morgan Watson will continue to be our school Chaplain in 2024.


As I have already communicated Mrs Annaliese Crosbie will be leaving St Patrick's at the end of 2023. She will be returning to her previous school. While we are sad to see her go, we understand her desire to reunite with her former school community, where she has cherished memories and strong connections. 


Niky commenced a twelve-month traineeship with the Apprenticeship Factory at the beginning of the year and has been a wonderful support to all of the students and staff at St Patrick's. In 2025 Niky will be working at St Augustine's College Kyabram as a Learning Support Officer. We all know from our personal experiences that St Augustine's is super lucky to have Niky next year. 


We will acknowledge and celebrate Annaliese's and Niky's contributions to our school community at our end of year celebrations.


As you are aware Ms Stephanie Hayes, has decided to take a year of leave during the 2024 academic year. We wish Stephanie an incredible and fulfilling journey during her time away and eagerly await her return to St Patrick's. 


Bishop Shane has announced new clergy appointments.  Father John Paul will be leaving St Patrick's Parish early next year. Father John will take up the position of Pastoral Leader in Tallangatta and Corryong. Father Uday Marneni, who is currently working in the Wodonga Parish, will be the new Parish Priest of Tongala, Kyabram and Tatura. We will have an opportunity to farewell Father John Paul at our final mass for the year.


We are currently seeking nominations for our School Advisory Council [SAC] 2024. Becoming a member of the SAC is an excellent way for parents to become involved in the life of the school. There is further information regarding the SAC on the website and Kieran Brennan, [Chair], members of the SAC or myself are available for further information. Nominations to be received by November 24th 2022. The next SAC meeting will be the final one for the year and new members will be invited along.


** Help Needed Please **

Our school is participating in the Tongala Hay Bale Trail again this year. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to be involved in a community event. The Tongala Development Group are finding it hard to source the round bales this year.

We are looking for 4 bales to use for our installation that will be on display along Miller St. If you have 2 or 4 bales that you could lend us, please let me or the school know. The paint only sticks to the wrap, so can be still used to feed out. We will return to you at the conclusion of the trail in the middle of January. 


Grade 6 Graduation this year will look a little different than it has in the past. On Tuesday the 12th of December, at 6pm, Grade 6 students and their families will be invited to a Graduation Dinner. The location of dinner will be confirmed at a later date. During this dinner the graduating students will present their individual slideshows. 

On Thursday 14th of December, at 1pm, we will have our Grade 6 Award Presentation followed by our End Of Year Mass (at 2pm) which will  conclude with the Grade 6 guard of honour, as they leave their last St Pat’s formal celebration. 

Grade 6 families will receive a formal invitation to this event, outlining the finer details of these events.



Sun Protection 



Our students have been doing a super job wearing their school hats when they are outside. At St Patrick’s students are expected to wear a hat during all outdoor activities during Term 4 and Term 1 in accordance with the school's Sun Protection Policy. Children will remain under the verandah if they are not wearing their hat during break times.