Gratitude Shout Outs!

This fortnight's gratitude shout outs, where teachers have been noticing the little 'extra' efforts and things that students and teachers are doing. 


Ada - For holding the door open for Mrs Dallas without even being asked. Thank you, Ada.


Mani & Holly - For picking up rubbish in the senior playground without being asked.


Ben - For helping others turn on the showers at camp when they couldn't do it.


Tyler - For his helpfulness and beautiful manners at camp.


Ruby P - For helping to return books in the library. Thank you, Ruby.


Josephine - For finding rubbish in the yard and picking it up.


Blake - For finding rubbish around the 5/6 classrooms and picking it up without being asked.


All the 3/4's - For their amazing attitude and behaviour on camp. You were a credit to Beaufort Primary School.


Mason - For being helpful and caring at camp.


Braxden - For helping the teachers out on camp with whatever they needed. 


Ryan - For constantly checking up on others while away at camp.


Dakota - For being very brave on camp and giving everything a go. 


Flynn - For helping out on 3/4 camp. He was always the first person to put his hand up to help.


Cooper - For helping pack up other people's bags and things at camp. 


Henry G - For having amazing manners and demonstrating BPS values whilst on camp.


Lyndon - For his willingness to help out wherever he was needed on camp, without being asked. Thank you, Lyndon.


Lily, Lexie, Riley and Joel - For helping Mr Ward with his Prep bag activities. 


Miss Stephan and Mrs Jacobs - For all their help with camp.


Miss Mawby - For ll her hard work organising the 3/4 camp, and ensuring everyone had a great experience.


Miss W - For helping to organise some 2024 Prep bag items for another staff member.


The entire staff at BPS - For being themselves. For being fantastic co-workers. For handling pressure, timetable changes and difficult situations. Keep up the amazing work.


Mr Reid - For his help on 3/4 camp. We couldn't have done ti without you.