
As 2023 draws to a close we would like to thank the students, parents, and staff of the ECSC community for a fantastic school year. In 2024 humanities sees the introduction of 3 new VCE subjects; sociology, history, and geography. This development marks the end of a successful year of learning and a perhaps a renewed interest or appreciation for the humanities, which would not have happen without the support of our parents, the dedication of our staff, and enthusiastic engagement of our students this year. As the humanities department grows, so to do our students as global citizens. In our classes we prepare them for the world ahead and careers such as those is community services, policy, medicine, security, landscaping, agriculture, social work, anthropology, law, civil engineering, business, and many many more!
We would also like to offer a big congratulations to our first Year 12 cohort of Business Management and Legal Studies students who did both the school and themselves proud. They will be an inspiration to the cohorts that follow.
2024 sees Rebekah Batsiokis moving on to help lead the English department in the position of Instructional Leader and we welcome Angela Salter to work alongside Eliza Rodriguez in the Humanities space as Instructional Leaders. We look forward to an exciting year ahead!
Eliza Rodriguez and Rebekah Batsiokis
Instructional Leader & Assistant Instructional Leader