Student Wellbeing & Engagement

2023 has been a successful year in the Wellbeing and Engagement space. The ECSC Wellbeing Team have run a range of programs and initiatives throughout this year including - Breakfast Club, lunchtime activities, Headspace programs, the ABCN program, the Man Cave, Love Bites. We celebrated many special occasions such as Harmony Week, R U OK Day, Reconciliation Week, IDAHOBIT Day, Wear It Purple Day and our annual Diversity Dash!
As a team, we are looking forward to next year and will be bringing on board further student centred programs and initiatives. 2024 promises to be a great year and we are excited for the new things happening at ECSC.
On behalf of the team we wish you all a safe and restful break. We looking forward to welcoming our students and families back in 2024!
Programs running at ECSC in 2024