Message from the Principal

Adam Smith



Dear Edgars Creek Secondary College Community,  


As this newsletter goes live, we are preparing for the end of the year and putting the final arrangements in place for the start of the 2024 school year.  I have to thank and acknowledge the entire school community for welcoming me into the College at the beginning of Term 4, and I am honoured and looking forward to serving the community over the next five years as the next substantive Principal.  


End of Year Music Night 

On the 29th of November, we hosted the inaugural music night with our talented students and music and performing arts staff.  The evening began with a sausage and hamburger sizzle, followed by a performance from our amazing Performing Arts students and featured solo and ensemble musical items and cultural dance pieces representing our diverse cultural community.

Arts and Technology Exhibition


Wednesday 6th of December saw our Art and Technology team host a well-attended display of student work that had been completed at the college throughout the year.  As with the music night, the talent and level of creativity and design skills at Edgars Creek Secondary College do set us apart. I am very proud of all our students and teachers who have worked tirelessly in this space to produce some outstanding work.  

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner


A big thank you to our senior team for the organisation of our first Year 12 Valedictory evening.  This was a special evening that celebrated the 6 years of hard work, dedication and living of the Edgars Creek Secondary College values by our year 12 students and the efforts of all of our contributing staff.  The night also provided us an opportunity to recognise some of our students who have been awarded key community-based awards that both recognise their contribution to Victoria but also acknowledge their work and contributions to come.    

VCE Results 

Regardless of individual student results, as the college's Principal, I am proud of the hard work and effort that each of the senior students.  As the first cohort of Year 12s to graduate here at ECSC, they have left a legacy for the years to come.  The results achieved by our students cement their pathway into university, continued tertiary study, work and life.  Students are reminded that while important, the results do not define the adult that you will become, but only provide a platform for you to launch the next phase of your life.  I am proud of our results and all of our students.  

Semester Reports

Semester Reports will be released this week, and so too will exam results and feedback. Parents and carers are asked to take the opportunity to sit down with their children and reflect on their achievements for the past semester.  It is an opportunity to consider setting some goals for 2024. My motto is '12 months of growth for 12 months of learning' and at the beginning of next year, I will be challenging all students to be actively involved in achieving this expectation. 

Statewide Transition Day – Graduating Class of 2029 

On the 12th of December, we welcomed our 205 incoming Year 7 students into the college for the first taste of life as our 2024 Year 7s. The students met us with a sense of hope, optimism, and some nerves but through all activities already began to display our values. I am excited to watch them grow from the beginning of 2024 as they work towards becoming the graduating class of 2029.  

Staff Movement 

On the next couple of pages, you will see that we have some staff movement in, out and within the college for 2024.   I am grateful for the contribution that all of my staff make to the college and the success of all of our students each day.  While I am sad to see our staff depart, I am excited about the lessons and experience they have gained while here at ECSC and the contribution they will be able to make both to their next government or private school.  


See you in 2025 Phillip Adams  

On behalf of the Principal team, I would like to also take this opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding contribution Phillip Adams has made to the college in his role as Acting Principal during terms 2 and 3 as well as in his substantive role as Assistant Principal of Middle School.  From Day one, Phil welcomed and supported me in my transition into the college. The friendship and professional partnership formed will be missed as we support Phil as he embarks on an Acting Assistant Principal position at Northcote High School for 2024.  


Finally,  I would like to wish all of our students, staff and families a happy holiday.  A time to rest, reflect and enjoy summer.   Stay safe.   


Best wishes,  


Adam Smith  

College Principal