P&C Country Fair

Hi Eglinton Families!


Can you believe it’s the end of Term 3? This means it’s time to start co-ordinating the 58th Annual Eglinton Country Fair, which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 24th February 2024.


Earlier this year a whopping $19114 was raised for our school all through the power of volunteers and community spirit. If we want this wonderful school tradition to continue, we are going to need more help!


Join us for an informal meeting on Thursday, 12th October from 5:30pm at Church Bar (1 Ribbon Gang Lane) to be part of the team.


Positions Available:

  • Secretary – takes minutes, assists with communication.
  • Treasurer – sends invoices to sponsors, pays deposits/invoices, organised floats for the day and is available for the full day of the Fair to count takings.
  • Sponsorship – manages sponsorship and ensures our generous sponsors get bang for their buck!
  • Entertainment Co-Ordinator – Books in musicians, dancers, martial arts demos etc to keep everyone entertained. Be available for the full day to ensure schedule runs smoothly and liaise with sound operator.
  • Rides Co-Ordinator – Assists with confirmation of rides or inflatables. Manages this section on the day.
  • Co-ordinate a school stall – BBQ, Drinks, Cakes, Ice-cream Spiders, Fairy Floss, and Carnival Games
  • Grounds person – Manages team to set up and pack down. Be available to ‘trouble shoot’ on the day.

We will support anyone taking on these roles for the first time as much as possible.

If you have any questions or would like to dive right in and take on one of these jobs, please contact eglintoncountryfair@gmail.com  


Looking forward to seeing lots of new faces, as well as welcoming back some familiar faces ready to go again and keep this tradition alive!


Catharine Rinii

P&C Country Fair Committee