P&C News

Hopefully you have all seen Catharine's notice in regards to the 2024 Eglinton Country Fair. I really encourage you to be a part of this amazing day. 


The Country Fair is such a fun day,  and also such a massive undertaking; so the more volunteers the merrier!


The P&C AGM will be held on Tuesday 24th October at 6:00pm in the school library. All positions at Eglinton will be open,  so if you would like to nominate for a committee position,  become involved in a non-executive capacity,  or just have a passing interest and want to see what we are all about then please come along. 


You won't ever be pressured into a role just for turning up.  We encourage new faces and interest.


The AGM is out of line with our usual P&C meetings as we have had to reschedule a number of times now,  but this time is definitely on! 


See you around the school soon!
