Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Wow!! it is the end of Term 3. 


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very relaxing and safe holiday. We look forward to seeing all students return on Monday 9 October. 


Thank you to all the parent volunteers that have given up their time to help with Pedal Push tomorrow. Without your help these days wouldn't happen. We are all really excited about having a fun day to finish off the term.


Eglinton Public School attendance as at 21st September 2023

Last Week: 90.9%

This week: 90.7%

Goal: 95%

Did you know that for your child to achieve an attendance rate of 95% each term they should have no more than 2 days off. 


You can check your child's attendance rate on the Sentral Parents App. Click on their photo, select 'Student Details' and click on 'Attendance'. Our expected student attendance rate is above 95%. To maintain an attendance rate of above 90% a student should have no more than 5 days off a term. 


Thank you for supporting us in reaching our attendance goal. The data above shows our current student attendance for the last week. Please ensure you contact the school via the Sentral Parent Portal if your child has a day off to explain their absence.