Magistrates Court Excursion

Experiencing the Victorian justice system in action
During the last week of term 3, our Year 10 Law and Morality class embarked on a visit to the Magistrates Court. The day started with us having a quick snack along Collins St before our walk to the Magistrates Court. Once we got there, we cleared security fairly quickly and were supported by the auntie of one of our students, who works with Legal Aid at the Magistrates Court. She met us and gave us an overview of the work she does, as well as some of the issues she faces as a lawyer, assisting people attending hearings there.
The learning really began when we split up into two groups and attended different court sessions. The students were briefed on courtroom etiquette and remained inquisitive while being respectful. Most of us sat in bail hearings and what we took away was beyond learning about legal terminology and cases. The students had their eyes opened to the myriad of issues facing other communities living among us in Melbourne.
We were also very lucky to meet two magistrates, one of whom was Magistrate Burnside, who talked us through the case she was hearing and the students got to review evidence used in the case. This visit to the courts gave students an insight into how the Victorian justice system works and also prepared them for the mock trial we are going to conduct later in the term.
~ Qiu Ni Lim