Term 4 in the Junior School

What's on for Term 4
This term, the Junior School will focus on fostering and building positive relationships. We will offer a range of programs to help students in their ability to develop positive and safe interactions with their peers in the yard and online.
Both Year levels attended an Assembly on Tuesday with a focus on making positive choices that will be supportive of their friends. They heard from Year 11 students who are members of our “Geek Squad” who provided them with tips to help them make good choices when deciding to post pictures of their friends online. Students also heard from Kat, one of our school counsellors about how they can support their friends when friendship conflicts occur. She also spoke to our students about the impact that gossiping can have on our student wellbeing.
Throughout the course of the term, our year 7 and 8 students will continue to work on understanding how to foster positive relationships in our Connect program, in conjunction with workshops ran by external providers.
The Year 7 will attend three workshops to be trained in Teen Mental Health First Aid.
The Year 8 will hear from the Preston Police in week 3 who will talk to students about students’ legal responsibilities online and attend a Cyber safety workshop in week 5.
We hope that this multifaceted approach will help our students further develop their social skills and foster one of our core school values: Humanity.
On the social agenda, on Tuesday 31 October, the Junior school will celebrate Halloween. This will be another way for students to connect with their peers and share some fun with their teachers outside the classroom.
~Aurelie Charenton, Acting Head of Junior School