Student Services : Wellbeing

Mental Health Week
Happy Mental Health Week to our school community!
We know that this year has had its own challenges and that although we’ve gotten over the hump of Covid19, we still experience its after effects. Taking the time out of our busy days to look after ourselves continues to prove its power in managing mental ill health.
The Student Services Wellbeing Team recognise the importance of giving the school community an opportunity to indulge in activities that we might not otherwise do.
The activities on offer for the whole week are aimed at our entire school community and we would highly encourage everyone to get involved in at least one activity. See below for schedule of events.
Free Online Family Information Events
BNYSN Supporting Emotional Regulation in Young People
The Banyule Nillumbik Youth Services Network is excited to present TOOLBOX in this 45-minute informational session about assisting young people to navigate and regulate their emotions. It is common for pre-teens and teenagers to experience intense emotions and mood swings. When these emotions arise, it can be difficult to know what to do to support a young person.
This session will focus on how to assist young people to regulate their own emotions in these heightened situations. Parents attending the session will walk away with:
-Noticing the signs and triggers of emotional distress.
-Using supportive language to work through uncomfortable emotions.
-Practical strategies to help regulate emotions.
Tuesday 17th October, 7pm
Bookings essential-
Dads Building Solutions -Taster
Based on ParentZone’s Parents Building Solutions, this program will enable dads to come together to discuss what parenting issues and concerns they have. Together they will work on strategies and ideas on how to become the dad they want to be. Assistance will be provided to identify the key areas of support dads need in parenting.
Wednesday 22nd November 2023, 6.30pm - 8.00pm
For bookings and enquiries contact ParentZone Northern: (03) 8641 8900 or email
Raising Resilient Kids
Join Parentzone Northern for this informative and engaging workshop to learn how to help your child bounce back from challenges and manage stressful situations.
Tuesday 28th November 2023, 10.00am - 12.00pm
For inquiries contact Parentzone Northern: 03 86418900 or email
Managing Screen Time
Learn how to navigate the challenges of managing children's screen time. This session will offer valuable information on the impacts of screen time on children's health and development. Parents will also be provided strategies/tips onsetting boundaries for screen usage.
Wednesday 15th November 2023, 7.00pm - 8.30pm
For enquiries contact ParentZone Northern: 03 86418900 or
Impacts of COVID19- Have your say