Wellbeing Support

Wellbeing Support for Students:
Exam Stress can be tough. Good stress can help you get out of tough situations as it keeps you alert. Bad stress however can make you feel like you can’t think at all. Frozen and overwhelmed.
Managing exam stress is finding the middle ground between the two.
Reach out has put together 5 Steps to study success as seen below:
Some key Take Aways to help you with Exam Stress
- Break your study up into manageable 20-minute chunks.
- Talk about it or say it out loud. When you say something out loud, you'll find it much easier to remember it. Chatting with someone about what you're studying is even better.
- Remove the distractions. Put your phone on silent and out of reach, and turn off the pop-up notifications on your computer. Research shows that it can take up to 20 minutes to refocus on what you're doing once you've been distracted.
- Take breaks. If you plan your study chunks with breaks in between, having the time away can help you to come back refreshed.
- Get some sleep! Getting a good night's rest helps your brain and body to rest and recharge. In fact, you'll do better at your exams and remember more of what you studied if you get a good night's sleep, rather than if you stayed up late studying.
Other things you can do include eating the right foods, perfecting your time management skills, and knowing when to take a break from studying and getting some physical activity or social time in.
Support for students with exam stress
Tips and strategies for being prepared and stayingcalm: https://kidshelpline.com.au/teens/issues/exam-stress
Reduce stress and prepare https://headspace.org.au/explore-topics/for-young-people/prepare-for-exams/
Our Counselling team can be contacted via email:
Counsellingcln@stpeters.vic.edu.au for the Clyde North Campus Counsellingcra@stpeters.vic.edu.au for the Cranbourne Campus
Lana Paten
Sara Cardenas
Student Counsellors
- Clyde North Campus
Nadia Picinali
Nicole Tevaga-Aualitia
Student Counsellors
- Cranbourne Campus