Clyde North Campus News

Welcome back to our final term for the year. Time flies as the saying goes and this year is no different. With so many wonderful events occurring over the coming weeks including graduation farewells for year 12, performance evenings, VCE VM project presentations, Assisi and Avila feast days, October will quickly turn into November.
It is during this final term that we start to see significant growth in our junior students as they move beyond the badge of year 7 and 8 and start to align themselves with different interests and perspectives when it comes to friendships and school life. Year 9 camp provides the opportunity for developing skills and dispositions that are necessary as year 9 students begin their transition into senior school life with the commencement of Headstart in November.
Pat Cronin was a young man who died a few years back because of a single punch to his head as a bystander while out celebrating with friends. Since then, Pat's parents have started a foundation that is about helping young people to keep safe and avoid violence.
This year we have been lucky enough to get access to resources from the Pat Cronin Foundation which will come in the form of a guest presenter later in October to Year 10 students who will also have a follow up presentation in Term 1 of next year. There are also some resources that we will share with students through our pastoral care program next year.
The Program includes:1 x Presentation: Violence is Never OK - Outcomes of a Coward Punch1 x Presentation: Rethinking Anger - Strategies to Avoid Violence presentation.
1 x Be Wise Violence Prevention eLearning package (one year subscription - whole school access
In preparation, we are asking the students to complete a short survey which they will do in Tutor Group over the coming week.
This is a critical topic for our young people to engage with, the reality of the consequences of actions that are often done in haste, anger and sadly drug or alcohol affected. It is paramount that we have robust and honest conversations with our young people so that they are equipped to make safe and sensible choices and decisions in all aspects of their lives, particularly when socialising with peers.
I look forward to receiving feedback from our students on the benefits of this program.
Collaborative Artwork
Throughout 2023 the students & staff at St Peter's Clyde campus have been working on collaborative artwork. This extended project has allowed for the reopening of the lunch time arts club and provided an opportunity for everyone to showcase their talent and skill. While the final version of the artwork is being kept under wraps until its unveiling it is exciting to be able to create a legacy piece to be permanently displayed in the new St. Martha building.
Mr Pola
I wish you all a safe and productive week and remember with gratitude optimism is sustainable.
Mrs Julie Banda
Head of Clyde North Campus