General News

From the Archives
Three popes have visited Australia: Pope Paul VI in 1970, Pope John Paul II (twice) in 1986 and 1995 and Pope Benedict XVI in 2008. For the community of St. Peter’s College, it is the visit of Benedict XVI that is best remembered.
Opened and blessed in 2008, the Benedict Building on the Cranbourne Campus is named in honour of Pope Benedict XVI.
The names of the various buildings on the Cranbourne Campus convey different parts of the College’s history and story.
As a result, the choice of the name of the Benedict Building was a deliberate. It was, and is, an acknowledgement of the papal visit of that year and the pope’s involvement in WYD08, Sydney, in July 2008.
The name of the building serves to remind the community that St. Peter’s College has a connection with WYD08 in several ways.
Firstly, the preparation for WYD08 involved the pilgrimage of the World Youth Day Cross and Icon around Australia.
The WYD Cross arrived in Sydney, Australia in July 2007.
It travelled Australia for more than a year and visited every diocese.
It arrived in the Diocese of Sale in April 2008 and St. Peter’s College was privileged to host the Cross and Icon in late April 2008.
Secondly, a contingent of students and teachers then journeyed, with the delegation from the Diocese of Sale, to be present for WYD08.
As the delegation entered the Sydney Freeway System, it was greeted with a greeting sign with the dates indicating that WYD08 would last for several days.
This is because World Youth Day is a weeklong festival that culminates in the Papal Mass.
These events happened fifteen years ago.
The Benedict Building is a permanent reminder of these, and many other, memories surrounding the involvement of St. Peter’s College with WYD08.
St. Peter,
Pray for Us.
Greg Nelson
College Archivist
Fuse Cup - Rocket League State Champions
Friday saw 4 CLN students attend the Fuse Cup - Senior Student Rocket League Championship at Melbourne Girls Grammar along with 20 other students from around the state. Throughout the competition, all 4 students demonstrated not only our St. Peter's College ROCKS, but also the Fuse Cup values of Integrity, Strength, Inclusion and Teamwork. Our 2 teams participated in 2 rounds of heats which saw them qualify 1st and 2nd which allowed them to progress to the knockout rounds. Again once this section began, our students were able to demonstrate strong leadership and teamwork to progress to the Grand Final, which means that out of 12 teams, we were successful in getting not one, but two teams through. As winners of this competition - Thomas Barlett and Miguel Vincent have been invited to participate in The FUSE Cup Esports Masters on the Gold Coast 27-28 October, 2024. Congratulations also must go to Jason Lobow and Lucas Bartlett for finishing runners up on a day that had a great number of strong competitors.
Product Design Incursion
Bill from Precious Plastic visited St Peter’s Cranbourne Campus on Thursday the 7th of September to show some lucky Year 7 and 8 students about sustainability around plastic waste. He brought in his purpose-made tools to show the students the recycling process such as the plastic shredder, the extruder machine, and a heap of plastic waste that he has been able to accumulate. The main aim of the incursion was to inspire and empower environmentally-aware minds whilst investigating creative solutions to reducing waste and exploring the concept of the Circular Economy which ties into the Product Design process the students have been studying.
Precious Plastic programs enhance STEM learning in schools through an experiential, hands-on and practical approach. They demonstrated plastics recycling principles and practice using our innovative small-scale reprocessing equipment, designed specifically for application within education.
Linking directly with current recycling practices and community / NGO led waste reduction programs, students will experience and participate in the transformation of waste plastics materials into new, functional products.
They provide insights into a critical area of knowledge for the future - Plastics, Recycling and Circular Economy, covering a variety of topics such as:
- The environmental impact of plastic
- The different types of plastic
- Recyclability of common plastics
- Potential applications for plastic 'waste'
- Circular Economy principles & practices
- UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Ms Sarah Lang
S.I.S Chess - Tactical maneuvers and strategic brilliance-
On September 7th, twenty-two Cranbourne and Clyde North students participated in the SIS Chess Competition at Nazareth College Mulgrave. The teams were accompanied by three staff members, Chris O’Hara, Patrick Barton, and Fiona Gallagher, who witnessed a day filled with battles of wit. The SIS Competition brought together some chess brilliance from schools across the region, and St. Peters students were hot contenders. There were breathtaking moves and unexpected twists as the players maneuvered their chess pieces across the board. Every turn promised a surprising outcome, keeping players and spectators on the edge of their seats, so there was nothing else for the observers to do but applaud excellent play.
Clyde North tied with other schools for third place. The best player for the day for Clyde North was Zachary Tan, and the other impressive players were Kevin Huynh and Arien Pateras. We also celebrated our Clyde North enthusiastic team members who were excellent attributes to the team: Uday Manith, Gurshaan Buttar, Benhur Sunil, Maky Khamis, Tanish Hasija, Fateh Deep Singh, and Dhyey Parekh.
The up-and-coming junior students from the Cranbourne campus all learned a lot from their experience on the day. For many, it was their first taste of an official Chess Tournament. Jasskomal Hans, Ryan Raju, Sav Randhawa, Paras Shah, Ojas Thotahil all showed great passion in their victories and great humility in their defeats.
For some of our returning students; Luke Mu, Kyle Monleon, and Dean Drew, we saw some impressive rounds of very strategic play. However, none were more impressive than the five-win streak that was brought home by Jai Ortolan. Jai made it all the way to the top table after a series of very well-earned and hard-fought wins.
Ms Fiona Gallagher
Learning Adjustment Leader: Exceptional Learners
In Term 4 the Year 9 Food Fundamentals students have navigated through the design process to create mouthwatering birthday cakes that were as beautiful as they were delicious. The process began with a spark of creativity, with students brainstorming ideas and concepts, drawing inspiration from themes, colours and flavours. Once their concepts started to take shape, they delved into the research phase, where they explored different recipes, decorating techniques and elements. With a clear plan in hand, the class got to work baking and decorating their cakes, translating their designs into edible masterpieces. The culmination of this project was a celebratory event where the students admired and celebrated the works of their peers.
Sarah Lang
Food Studies Teacher
Technology Coach Cranbourne Campus
Year 12 VCE Vocational Major Presentation Evening
The Year 12 presentation evening is often a highlight of the year for the Vocational Major team, and marks the end of the learning journey for students on the VM program. The evening is an opportunity for students to showcase their work over the year with a major focus on their Sustainable Development Goals projects. Each student was required to produce a sustained oral presentation to their parents, teachers and peers about their work and achievements over their time on the VCAL / VM program. This year the quality of each of the students’ projects did not disappoint and parents and teachers had a chance to reflect on their students' growth and achievements, of which there were many. We thank all who attended the event and congratulate our Year 12 students and wish them well in their future endeavours as they graduate next week.
Mr Paul Woodbridge
Vocational Major Coach
Clyde North Campus