From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
It would be fair and accurate to say that we have hit the ground running since returning to school only a week ago. Yet it is important at this time to stop and pause to recognise the significant happenings occurring both here and abroad. The unrest and violence we see on our screens including the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia continues unabated. This week we were confronted with an outbreak of tensions in the Middle East and particularly the Gaza strip where the images and level of conflict has been raw and brutal to observe. This weekend, on our own shores, we engage with a referendum that attempts to address the voice of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who suffer from not having a voice wherever they are in the world and for those that find themselves caught in the cross-fire of violence and war. May we continue to pray that peace reigns across all divides.
A Prayer for Peace in the Middle-East
God of mercy and compassion,of grace and reconciliation, pour your power upon all your children in the Middle East: Jews, Muslims and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis. Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, occupation to liberation, that violent encounters may be replaced by loving embraces,and peace and justice could be experienced by all.
- Reverend Said
The Graduating Class of 2023
We can take for granted, if we are not careful, the significance of the graduation of our Year 12s. It marks the completion of 13 years of education. It also signals a significant time whereby our graduating class begins a new journey, a new pathway, and new beginnings. Traditionally this can result in a sense of nervousness (by both students and parents) as no longer is there predictability and certainty. The regularity of our student’s lives is to be replaced by exciting new possibilities to places unknown. We are confident that our graduating class have learnt so much more than the academic content delivered in the classroom. Our mission at St Peter’s College is to develop the whole person, spiritually, academically, social-emotionally, and physically. We strive to ensure that all students can thrive and become the best version of themselves in anything they undertake and any interaction they experience. We hope that we have succeeded in our mission with the Class of 2023.
Our students will finish their final classes with us next week. We wish them every success as they collectively and individually move beyond our gates into the world unknown. We desire that all are hope-filled for what the future holds for them and that in everything they undertake our school motto, ‘Be Not Afraid’ continues to be a guiding light shining a light on suitable pathways to follow. As is tradition, an Irish Blessing are my parting words at the end of the assembly, the blessing states this:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Year 7 2024 Parent Evening
Whilst we farewell the Year 12s next week, this week we welcomed into the college our Year 7s for 2024 such is the cyclical nature of secondary schooling. It was wonderful to meet new and excited students and parents. Parents in particular appeared a bit daunted by the newness associated with a move into secondary college. It was encouraging to see how invested both students and parents were in the process of beginning to familiarize themselves with newness associated with entering into secondary school. Across our two campuses next year we anticipate to welcome 392 new Year 7 students. It is indeed an exciting time for our families and for St Peter’s College.
The Arts and Technology Show
Congratulations are extended to students and staff who contributed creative pieces to the recent Art and Technology exhibition. Each year the works continue to inspire. The creativity shown is impressive and equalled only by the design process that sits behind the finish products. The works were reflective of a dedicated approach by students aimed at producing quality art and technology pieces and for that each student who contributed their art and technology works should be congratulated.
Every year a Principal’s prize is awarded for Art and for Technology.
The Principal’s Prize - Arts Award Prize comes in the form of a certificate and monetary cheque ($250). The award recipient can come from any year level. The Principal’s Art Prize is granted to a student who has produced excellence in Art Studies. The award is judged by the Principal and Arts Learning and Teaching Coach from work on display and the prized artwork will be displayed prominently in the college to inspire future creativity amongst our talented students. Congratulations is extended to Caitlin Pestano (CRA) and Sian Fraser (CLN).
Principal’s Prize for Art
The Principal’s Prize for Technology comes in the form of a certificate and monetary funds towards materials for next years continued study ($150). The award recipients come from Year 10 or 11. The award is granted to a student who has produced excellence in design technology. The award is judged by the Principal and the Technology Coach from work completed in this calendar year and displayed at the event. Congratulations are extended to Joshua De Nava (CLN) and Eliza Paynter (CRA), our award recipients for the 2023 Principal’s Prize for Technology
Enjoy the week ahead and stay safe.
Mr Chris Black