PFA News

AGM - November 2023


We are holding our AGM as we have several long standing committee members who will be stepping down and it is essential that we fill the following positions: 


President, Vice President, fundraising coordinator and Secretary.


Please take the time over the next few weeks to consider if joining the committee is something you are able to assist with. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our committee members and volunteers who have made this year very successful. Without the volunteers we would not have been able to run any of our events. If you have any question please speak to any of our members who would be more than welcome to discuss this with you.

The date of the AGM to be advised.

Finally, on behalf of the committee, we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2024.


Parents and Friends Facebook page

Some families may not be aware that Holy Cross has a parents and friends Facebook page. 

Please search Holy Cross PS - Family Connection Group (New Gisborne) and request to join!