Principal's News

Kate Whitford


It is so great to hear positive feedback about our school and about the achievements of our students. Well done to everyone for representing our school in such a positive and cooperative way.  This term we have already had many engaging learning opportunities and celebrations for our students: Kinder Transition, Division Basketball, Whole School Athletics, Michael Carr-Gregg Incursion, Rochella, Lego Technics Presentation and Grade 6 transition discussions.  Thank you to the staff, parents, volunteers and friends of Rochester Primary School who put in the extra effort to make these opportunities possible.


New Playground

Unfortunately our Playground (3/4) on the highway side of our oval which already had age on it's side, has not bounced back or recovered well after the floods. School council have been sourcing quotes, working with suppliers and ensuring our budget could cover the costs associated with replacing it. I am pleased to announce to our community that on December the 13th the installation of a 'Ninja Warrior' style playground will begin. 


Kinder Transitions—Enrol Now!! 

Today we had our third visit from our 2024 preps. Look how much fun they are having!! Please contact the office if you have not enrolled  your child yet as classes structures are being organised.


Pupil free Day - Monday 6th November

Each year staff are provided with 2 Professional practice days to catch up on planning, assessment, professional learning, administration tasks or visit other schools. The first one is chosen by each teacher individually and on the second day students are not required at school and is approved by school council. To cause the least disruption we will hold this day on the Monday 6th, the day before Melbourne Cup day. 


Arriving and leaving school during the school day

A reminder to parents to sign the book at the office if your child is late to school or leaving before the end of the day. Thank you to those parents who call, send a note or log on to XUNO regarding their child’s absence. This helps ensure our records are up to date and correct. Our overall attendance has improved this year thanks to the increased efforts from home and school.


School Assembly                                                                                                                                 Thank you to our parents and friends who join us each Friday afternoon for our School Assembly in the Library. It is wonderful to have so many people in the audience to hear messages and help celebrate our successes.


Sun Smart- Term 4

Thank you to our families for ensuring our students are wearing a blue school hat. This means all students are out and about during the breaks enjoying the great weather. (A friendly reminder that caps or coloured hats are not part of our uniform).


Classes 2024- Student Placements                                                                                              

Staff  have begun the conversations and work around class groupings for 2024. If your child will not be attending Rochester PS next year or you know of somebody who is yet to enrol could you please contact the officeIf you have any specific request regarding the placement of your child for 2024  please make contact to discuss this before  Friday 27th  October. 



Plasticine Pictures from Grade 1/2