Pupil of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:

Friday 6th October

Katherine W (Foundation) - For working hard on writing your sentences on dotted third lines. You have listened to feedback and put in your best efforts. Well done on showing great responsbililty for your learning Katherine!

Diana Z (12A) -  for being an outstanding student who always strives to do your best. You have a wonderful and fun personality and are a muched loved member of our grade. You are a Super Star!!!

Cooper M (12B) - For such an incredible start to Term 4. Cooper has begun the week with an amazing attitude. He was our first Heggerty Hero for the term and has pushed the limits of his maths knowledge to really challenge himself. We are so proud of you Cooper!

Harkeerat K (34A) - For all the hard work she puts into everything she attempts! You are amazing and a wonderful role model for everyone in our class!

Linkin E (34B)- For being a well mannered and kind student and person. You are a great example for everyone!

Kan L (34C) - For working really hard to improve his skills in all subjects and for taking on feedback with a positive attitude. Great job, Kan!

Ava (56A)  - For a well-thought out and detailed response as a prediction for what might happen next in our text The night they stormed Eureka.

Hayley (56B) - For consistatly choosing the challanging options. Hayely is demosntraing an outstanding attitude to learning and by choosing challange is creating opertunities to show off her personal best. Well done Hayley!