School Council

Welcome to Term 4, which promises to be an exciting and fun term! And a big welcome to Mr Tim Mulhall, our new substantive Principal! 


OSHC update 

School Council is in the process of short-listing potential OHSC providers following an Expression of Interest process in which interested parties completed an extensive application. 


Mural and new playground 

A massive thanks again to all those who donated to our beautiful mural, and those involved in the new playground – the front of the school is looking fantastic!!! 


Our next Working Bee date will be confirmed in the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any members of School Council. 



Kind regards,


Voluntary parent payment reminder

A gentle reminder to any families that have not made their voluntary parent payments – it’s not too late to do so!! 


Within our school these voluntary contributions have allowed us to organise and coordinate the best possible programs outside of the traditional teaching and learning classroom structure. 


These financial contributions assist us with the purchasing of art, science and physical education equipment and resources, to purchase robotics resources such as the BeeBots and Spheros and invest in decodable books that support our whole school Science of Reading literacy approach. 





On behalf of MPS School Council 


Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or