Year 4/5/6

In the last couples of weeks we've been learning about rounding decimals and volume.
To find out the volume you have to times
L x W x H. We did a lesson measuring objects
Around the school. We were also learning about rounding decimals,it took a lot of work but we got there in the end
Written by Darragh and Judd
For the past term we have been learning about chess. We are practising for our upcoming tournament. Charlie , Senna and Jet made it to the girls’ State finals. We came 4th in the Alice Miller state tournament and first in our local region. Our teacher Harry taught us multiple game strategies such as a battery, which takes control of the centre. A double battery which is more powerful than a single one. A Skewer, another tactic which mostly is supposed to take the king or queen.
Written by J4 and Nyabol