Year 1/2

Year 1/2's have been super productive the last fortnight.
Students have finished off our writing unit of Dreamtime stories by understanding their purpose and learning its structure. We look forward to learning about the different types of poetry next term as part of our writing curriculum.
Year 1/2 hosted a health expo to wrap up our Inquiry unit on health and physical education. The expo hosted various collaborative teams such as: the digestive system, healthy eating and lifestyle, sugar in our diets and how we can eat a food rainbow (foods of different colours).
Students came up with questions they would like to learn about and then used their creativity to captivate their audience using good communication skills. They also had to think critically on how they could host the event and how to organise it. They did exceptionally well and are very proud of their learning and hard work.
We also participated in a first aid program for students run by St John’s Ambulance in which students learned about how to check for danger, to respond and send for help.
We celebrated our school feast – The most holy name of Mary on the 13th of September with a buddies learning task in which we made candle lanterns and were engaged in a deeper understanding of our theme for 2023 – Let your light shine.
Wishing all families a safe and enjoyable spring break. See you in all in Term 4!