From the Principal

Term 3 has been yet another great term full of events and wonderful opportunities around the school.
The saddest moment was the final farewell to Mrs Berry as she and Jesse prepare for an exciting addition to their family.
I would like to express the whole school communities gratitude for everything that Bella has contributed to our school. We will miss her as she begins this amazing part of her life and we look forward to hearing the good news next term.
We also welcome Mrs Blythe Neve and Mrs Camille Voce who will team up to take 4/5/6 B through to the end of the year. It will be a great asset to have such wonderful teachers join our community.
Thanks to all families for your involvement and commitment to making primary school the best time of your child’s life! We will have another action packed term with sports, our School Concert, Year 6 graduation and much more! Rest up and enjoy the holidays!
Wellbeing for children throughout the holidays
School holidays are almost upon us and for many parents the struggle to keep their children from spending all day on their devices is real! Without any balance or rules to manage their screen time consumption, many kids would happily spend their days streaming and scrolling. And, likely, everything coming across their screen isn’t rich educational content. But even if it was, too much screen time can be detrimental. There are generally four different ways we consume screen time - creating content, communicating with others, interacting (like playing games), or passively consuming (binge watching Netflix). While the quality of all screen time isn’t the same, the quantity still matters.
Some parents use a checklist children need to complete each day, including chores, personal tasks and some educational and screen-less activities to focus on balance in their life - you may like to try something similar. We know that play time encourages children to develop their interests, practise making decisions and solving problems, learn to regulate their emotions, assess and respond to risk, develop socially, and most importantly, facilitates access to joy - all of which contribute to good mental health and wellbeing.
Although the weather is still a bit up and down, the UV levels are rising. At the beginning of term 4 we expect all students to wear their hats when outside. We also encourage parents to ensure that children are wearing sunscreen when appropriate. It's time to find your child's school hat or purchase a new one in readiness for some fine weather ahead!
Drop-off/Pick-up Area Update
I've received confirmation from a representative of the Mount Alexander Council that improvement to the line marking at the front of our school will take place over the December /January break. Whilst enhanced marking will make a difference, driver/pedestrian behaviour also needs to improve for the safety of our students (and parents!)
Thank you for another fantastic term - we can't wait for an amazing term ahead! The teachers are planning many experiences, as well as the anticipation that begins with the season of Advent.
Have a happy and safe holiday period. We're looking forward to seeing all students back on Monday 2nd October!