
- Mr Benjamin Hiscock

Southwest Rising Stars Concert at the Port Fairy Spring Music Festival


The College has had a strong relationship with the Port Fairy Spring Music Festival for many years. A special concert of The Hamilton and Alexandra College soloists, accompanied by festival co-director and renowned Australian concert pianist, Stefan Cassomenos will be held at the Lecture Hall at 10am on Saturday 14 October. 


Stefan and co-director Monica Curro are like family in The Hamilton and Alexandra College Music Faculty, visiting numerous times to conduct individual extension lessons, workshops and VCE masterclasses. 


The concert will feature Nicholas Hoskyns, Millie Davidson, Anna Davidson, Lachlan Reid, Nicholas Northeast, Amelie Hiscock and Daisy Henry.  Tickets can be purchased via the link below.  link. The festival has an exciting line up of concerts from new composers to well-known operatic delights, featuring our very own Old Collegian, Leyland Jones.


Tickets here:  Program - Port Fairy Spring Music Festival (


JAM Youth Music Events: Southern Grampian and Freeza

JAM youth music events is a group of young people passionate about putting on local live music events under the umbrella of Southern Grampians Shire Council youth engagement. They have reached out to College students to be involved and are working towards an event supporting the Velvet Club at the Hamilton PAC on 24 November.  Students interested should see Mr Hiscock.



Upcoming Music Events

  • Southwest Rising Stars Concert, Port Fairy Spring Music Festival - 10am, Saturday 14 October
  • Percussion Showcase - Monday 16 October
  • Senior Campus Speech Day - Friday 20 October 
  • VCE Music Performance Examinations - Wednesday 18 October
  • Year 7 Instrumental Music Program Final Concert - 2pm, Tuesday 28 November


Mr Benjamin Hiscock                              

Director of Music


Mrs Nichole Atchison                              

Music Administrator