
Several of our students played in the Glenelg Association teams last weekend, representing the district in the State Championships. The weekend was a huge one, and there were some fantastic results that came from it. Congratulations to the girls who competed – the experience of the ‘next step up’ will serve you well in your future netball.
The full draw has now been released for the Term 4 season. Hopefully, this will assist parents and students to plan ahead, especially for those travelling and who may be car-pooling. A reminder – there is no netball on the weekend of the Melbourne Cup.
Last week’s games were bathed in sunshine as we returned to Pedrina Park. Thank you to several students who filled in – this was greatly appreciated and allowed for a successful beginning to the season. Both of the Year 9-12 teams had sound wins, playing good netball despite a new mix of players in each team. The Yr 7-8 teams had some great passages of play and demonstrated that they will be strong competitors this season. It was fantastic to see some new faces on the courts, too.
Fees should already be paid, but if they are not, could these please be completed by Saturday – via the Netball Connect App. You may need to add the Hamilton Netball Association to your competitions, to then see the competition. If VNA has already been paid, it will be $45 for the season. If not, a fee of $105 will appear at the checkout. A third game can not be played if fees are not paid. If you are having technical issues, please see someone in the office at the netball on Saturday – they will help you get it sorted.
Netball is a team sport – team members need to be reliable – I ask that students make sure that they are committed to training and playing, showing up for their teammates, coach and manager. Communication is also vital – any questions, please see me, Neve or Sarah (our captains). Students can send a message via the Term 4 Netball team if they need, or directly to myself, the captains, or their coach.
Wishing everyone the very best for Saturday – have fun!
On Monday 16 October, the College Clay Target Shooting Presentation Night will take place at the Hamilton Clay Target Club from 3.45pm.
Any College students interested in shooting are also invited to come along to meet the community and have a try.
▪️ 25tgt Single Barrel Continental Shoot and Redgum Challenge for current College shooters and parents.
▪️ Beginners and parents welcome to shoot – no license or gun required.
▪️ $30 /25 targets inc shells and $2 entry for the Redgum Challenge.
▪️ Free BBQ following presentations. Families to bring a salad or sweet.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr Lewis.