School of Entrepreneurs

From the SOE Head of School


Congratulations Year 12! You did it. 

Next week sees the culminating week for our very first Year 12 cohort at St Luke’s Catholic College. We want to wish these students all the best in their HSC examinations and post school journey. 


Letter to Year 12:


Dear Year 12,


As you stand on the brink of a new chapter in your lives, it's impossible not to reflect on the remarkable 13-year journey that has brought you to this moment. From those tentative first steps into Kindergarten to the confident strides you now take as graduates, you've grown, learned and evolved together. Your schooling years have been a tapestry woven with experiences, friendships, and countless lessons, both inside and outside the classroom. You have faced exams and assessments, celebrated achievements, and navigated the ups and downs of adolescence. As you bid farewell to this phase of your lives, remember that the knowledge, character, and resilience you have gained during these 13 years will continue to shape your futures. Here's to the memories and the lessons, and to the exciting adventures that lie ahead.


I wish to take this opportunity to also acknowledge all the parents of Year 12. As they bid farewell to their school days and embark on new beginnings, I wish to take a moment to acknowledge and express deep appreciation for the unwavering love and support that you, as parents have given them. You have been their silent heroes in this remarkable journey, and they owe you a debt of gratitude that can never truly be repaid. Thank you to all our Year 12 parents, who have been the foundation upon which Year 12 students have built their dreams. As they step into the future, may they continue to make you proud.


Sending you all well wishes and a safe holiday period ahead. 


Ms Jacqui Genovese - Head of School, School of Entrepreneurs 








Celebrating St Luke's first HSC Music 1 class as they completed their Practical HSC Performances on Tuesday 5th September.

A testament to their dedication, commitment and hard work as they learnt, rehearsed and presented four performances each. 

Year 12 Music will be completing their Aural component of their HSC in week 1 of Term 4. We continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.


Well done gentlemen on your achievements so far!


Mrs Sampath-Sawtell

Music Teacher











As Year 12 students approach their final exams, they grapple with a multitude of stressors, including the pressure to excel, the fear of failure, an overwhelming academic workload, and the uncertainty that looms on the horizon.


It’s important to recognize that stress is an inevitable part of life, and in fact, it plays a vital role in building resilience. While we cannot entirely evade stress, we have the power to manage it effectively. What we can steer clear of, however, is falling into the depths of distress.


“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” (Joshua Marine)


As a parent, your support and guidance can make all the difference in helping your child navigate this crucial phase with confidence and resilience.


Here are 10 tips to help your child manage stress heading into their final exams, avoid distress and finish Year 12 with tenacity, optimism and empowerment.


1. Recognising the Signs: As a first step, tune in and stay connected. Watch for signs of distress like constant panic, agitation, nervousness, fatigue, nausea, isolation and sleeplessness. 


2. Open Non Confrontational Dialogue: Talk openly with your child to understand the root of their distress. Create a judgement-free space for them to express their feelings. Listen actively and empathetically, without the urge to offer advice. Ensure they feel heard and understood.


3. Set Realistic Expectations: Collaboratively establish achievable goals and expectations. Instead of fixating on the elusive ATAR. emphasise the importance of their personal best.


4. Success in the Journey: Remind your child that success is not solely defined by exam results. It’s about the pursuit of excellence and personal growth, regardless of the outcome. The fruit is in the pursuit.


5. Explore Post-Year 12 Pathways: The ATAR is not the be-all, end-all. Encourage your child to explore diverse pathways available after Year 12, opening their eyes to a world of opportunities.


6. Avoid Comparisons:  Comparison can be detrimental. Help your child focus on their progress and journey rather than comparing themselves to peers, siblings or relatives.


7. Prioritise Health & Prevent Burnout: Promote healthy eating, sufficient rest, and regular exercise for a healthy body and mind. Recommend short study breaks to prevent burnout.


8. Family Bonding: Keep the spirit of fun and connectedness alive with regular family activities. Your support system can provide a much-needed emotional anchor.


9. Behind-the-Scenes Support: Small gestures, such as cooking their favourite meal or ensuring a quiet study environment, can go a long way in reducing stress.


10. Daily Encouragement: Remind your child daily that your love and support are unwavering, regardless of their academic achievements.


While the final exams may bring stress, with your guidance and support, your child can thrive during this challenging period. By recognising distress signs, engaging in open dialogue, and promoting a healthy perspective on success, you can help your child build resilience and embark on a path to success that extends far beyond Year 12. I remember a parent of a Year 12 student once said, “I'm not going to ruin my relationship with my child due to an ATAR mark”. Ensuring that your child's wellbeing is a priority should be your main priority. We also tend to like to bribe our kids with presents if they achieve well. I’ll leave you with the inspiring words of Jesse Jackson:


“Your children need your presence more than your presents.” (Jesse Jackson)


I wish your son/daughter and you the very best for their upcoming HSC exams.


Chris Bettiol

Leader of Wellbeing, Growth and Development



Congratulations to the nine St Luke's Catholic College students who completed the Multiplex Jumpstart program focused on engineering, architecture and construction at the new Western Sydney International Airport. They are now part of an elite alumni network with Multiplex, which can provide them access to the Multiplex cadetship program, professional female mentorship, and a bespoke university scholarship fund for female students interested in furthering their studies in the built environment. Well done!


Academy U

St Luke's Catholic College is thrilled to launch our participation in Academy U with Western Sydney University. Academy U delivers unique experiences and learning opportunities to inspire and support high potential high school students to reach their unlimited potential.  Academy U allows students in Years 9 and 10 to engage with university and develop skills for successful transition to university. When students are in Year 11, they will have the opportunity to complete a first year unit at Western, (Leadership in Complexity) obtaining academic credit. Academy U students will have the chance to connect with Academic staff and industry partners during on-campus experiences and excursions. Our Year 10 students will have their first excursion to WSU Parramatta on Tuesday 12 September. Our students are ready to unleash their full potential.




STEM MAD Excursion




The day unfolded with a dynamic blend of learning and entertainment during our engaging STEM expedition. The adventure began with the thrilling F1 School Competition, where we were captivated by the creativity of student-crafted F1 cars and their precision-tested reaction times. Our journey then took us to the world of "Makey Makey," an innovative tool that transformed ordinary playdough into a conduit for digital interactions, emphasising the seamless merging of the physical and virtual worlds. We obtained laptop-based games using touch by connecting playdough to an "earth" connection.

Then we went to see how other schools identified problems that they could fix in our world. It was really interesting to see how other students wanted to make our world a better place. Then we witnessed the launch of a bottle rocket and learned about the density of water, the amount of air pressure that should be in the bottle, and how much water and air was required for it to travel far. The remaining portion of our day was spent looking at the bridges that the students built and testing how much water they could hold. It was quite cool to see the design and capability of their bridges. Then we boarded the bus and returned to school.

-Mikayla Gerken


HSC Body of Work Showcase Evening

Last Friday, on September 8th, 2023, our school was privileged to host an extraordinary evening – the HSC Body of Work Showcase! This remarkable event featured an array of outstanding works from our talented students in Visual Arts, Design and Technology, Society and Culture, History Extension, and Industrial Technology - Multimedia.


Our students poured their hearts and souls into these projects, showcasing their creativity, ingenuity, and dedication. (See some pictures from the technology display below.) The showcase was a testament to their hard work and the incredible depth of talent within our school community.


Parents, teachers, and fellow students had the opportunity to explore a diverse range of artistic expressions, thought-provoking designs, and multimedia presentations. It was an evening of inspiration and celebration, highlighting the remarkable achievements of our HSC students.  Congratulations again to our students, and their teachers!


Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our budding artists, designers, and scholars. Your presence made this evening truly special, and we couldn't be prouder of our students' accomplishments.


Mrs Michelle Zorzo 

Pedagogy Coach


Technologies - HSC Major Works

Term 3, also known as the “silly season”, is when Major Works for HSC submission are due. At St Luke’s, we have students studying Design and Technology and Industrial Technology Multimedia who spent over 3 terms developing either a practical solution to a problem or a multimedia product. In addition to this, they are required to document their design process in a portfolio of up to 80 pages in length. To say that our HSC students are relieved to have completed this mammoth task would be an understatement.

I congratulate the students and commend the staff involved; Thirumala Pather, Kelly Bauer and Kylie Burns for their dedication to the process going above and beyond. The works were also on display at our HSC Showcase Evening. If you missed out on attending this event, there are some photos below, and also look out for this event next year as we continue to grow and develop these courses for our students here at St Luke’s.



Year 9 WWI Incursion

On Monday 11th September, Year 9 students attended an incursion on WWI. Students were provided with an opportunity to listen to the stories of those men who had experienced the trenches on the Western Front. Students examined both genuine artefacts and replicas from film sets including ‘1917’ and the series ‘Gallipoli’. Students participated really well during the day, asking great questions and investigating the artefacts closely.




eSports National Champion



On Saturday 9th September, the Australian Esports League held the High School National Championships, with students across the country competing for national champion. St Luke’s had one student representing the College in the national championships in the Super Smash Bros Tournament. After battling it out against the best across Australia, Year 11 student Brent Bernardo (a.k.a BowlOfRamen) has taken the title of National Champion. On behalf of the College, I would like to congratulate Brent on his achievement. 


Mr Joshua Jenkins

HSIE/English Teacher & Esports Convener



Year 11 and 12 Trivia Night


The inaugural trivia night for staff, students and parents of St Luke's Catholic College took place on September 8th. The purpose of this event was to raise funds for our Year 12 initiatives. Thanks to the overwhelming support of our community, we were able to raise close to $2500. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters and attendees. The movie-themed trivia night proved to be a resounding success, with exciting bonus rounds and numerous prizes. We were delighted to witness the enthusiastic participation and creativity displayed by attendees who came dressed in themed attire.