School News

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Handbook

PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning)


Ask your child about the weekly focus for students.


This week's focus:

Respect self and others!


Happy Birthday

We wish all our students a very happy birthday who celebrated their special day this week.


8 December -  Lachlan B Year 6 and Henry A Year 5

12 December - Evelyn V Year 6, Astin K Year 4, Caitlin V Year 5, Edison B Year 3 and Edie T Year 1

14 December - Molly P Year 5

15 December - Gracie C Year 6, Oliver P Year 3, Emmanuella N Year 2 and Harriett Kinder


2024 Enrolments - Online

Starting from the beginning of Term 1, 2024, we will be transitioning to a new online enrolment platform, called Funnel, removing the use of all paper forms. Please take note, particularly for sibling applications. The online application form will be accessible from the home page of our school website





The SPLICED website and launch went live on Tuesday 12 December at 7:00pm. Please click on the link to view the launch and website.


SPLICED Website Homepage: 


Congratulations to all our students who have been published this year.

New Active and Creative Kids vouchers – provider registrations open

The new Active and Creative Kids voucher program is starting in February 2024. 


Providers offering sport, recreational, creative, or cultural activities for school-aged children in 2024 are invited to register now for the new program so they can beat the back-to-school rush and accept the new $50 vouchers. 


As this is a new program, providers must register even if they are already registered to accept current Active or Creative Kids vouchers. There will be two new, combined $50 vouchers that eligible parents, guardians and carers of school-aged children can use:

  • Two $50 vouchers will be available in 2024 (one voucher in Term 1 and one voucher in Term 3) 
  • Each voucher can be used on either an eligible active or creative activity
  • Vouchers must be redeemed before their expiry date
  • Vouchers will be available to those receiving Family Tax Benefits

communication toolkit has been prepared to help share important information about the new program and how to register to become a provider.


2023 Yearbook - Delivery tomorrow!




Thank you for those you have ordered 2023 SJB School Year Book.


The Yearbooks will be delivered to students who purchased tomorrow.








2024 School Fees

Please find attached documentation outlining the 2024 school fees for St Joseph’s Bulli. To make it a little clearer, we have listed the total fees for each grade.


Tuition Fees:     $1,843 per Family

SEDSO Fees:     $1,245 per Family


In addition to the above family fees, the following are school based fees per student for each grade.

  • Kindergarten:  $338
  • Year 1:                $307
  • Year 2:                $301
  • Year 3:                $471
  • Year 4:                $380
  • Year 5:                $500
  • Year 6:                $648


If you have not previously completed or wish to change your frequency of payments in 2024, a Request to Pay via Instalments form must be completed by Friday 15 December 2023.  For your convenience we have attached the form below.



Thank you to those families who have finalised their school fees.  If you are paying via instalments, please ensure these paid in full by Tuesday 5 December 2023.  


Should you be experiencing any difficulties in finalising your  school fees, please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the Principal.

Sports News

Sports Uniform Days - Term 4

Students are required to wear sports uniform as outlined below.


Please be advised that students will be required to wear their sports uniform the following days.


Days required to wear sports uniform


Wednesday & Friday

Year 1

Monday & Wednesday

Year 2

Monday and Thursday 

Year 3

Tuesday & Thursday

Year 4

Wednesday & Friday 

Year 5

Monday & Wednesday

Year 6

Tuesday & Friday


Open Monday to Friday for recess and lunch.


Cash purchases for snacks and drinks can be made at recess and lunchtime. Snacks and drinks can also be ordered via the new platform FlexiSchools.


Lunch orders

Orders for lunch can only be made through Flexischools.  Please note that orders close at 9.15am daily.  Orders cannot be placed after this time.



Flexischool Parent Support Line - 1300 361 769 (Hours: 7.00am-12.00 noon)

Catholic Care

OOSH, Out of School Hours care at St Joseph's 


Mobile:  0437 713 067

Booking Information

Enrolment Form

CatholicCare Website


Service hours

Before School Care

7:00am – 8:30am

After School Care

2:45pm – 6:00pm


If you require the use of OOSH for your child/ren you need to be enrolled in the service prior to commencing. 


Casual bookings

If your child already uses the service and you requireacasual booking please do this viathe Xplor app. 


Before School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 5:30 pm the night before

After School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 9:00 am that morning


Casual booking must be made as per the times above to ensure enough staff. If notice is not provided within these time frames and the service does not have sufficient staff your child/ren will be sent to the office for collection. This is something that we all wish to avoid, so please keep in mind the time frames to help support the service.


If there is an emergency and care is needed please phone and leave a message and we will see what we can do.


If you do have any questions, need clarification, or have any feedback please feel free to contact the service mobile during operating hours on 0437 713 067 or Jacinta, Team Leader – 0407 759 720.

Strengthening Relationships


Community Notices

Woonona Netball Club


PCYC Bulli - 2023/24 Summer School Holiday Activities