Classroom News


Foundation-Grade 1 Miss Bennett

Welcome to the Foundation/1 Beehive!! 


The F/1 busy bees have outdone themselves in the first week of school for 2024. We're all ready to kick off our year together and get stuck into learning. 

Some highlights over the course of this week for our F/1 Bees were: 


First day of school: The beehive was buzzing on the first day of school. Students loved taking photos with their families and the big number 1 as they celebrate their first day of Foundation or Grade 1. Everyone came into school looking so grown up and knew exactly where to line up- Miss Bennett was so proud. 


Finding the Queen Bee rule follower: On our First Day of School the students and Miss Bennett spoke about our classroom rules and how to be safe and unsafe at school and in the school yard. They went on a hunt around the school to find the 'Queen Bee' who was hiding. She has special treasure for us to find but we could only open it if we verbalised a school rule. 


Using our classroom Ipads: We were stoked to use our Ipads this week in F/1. Miss Bennett demonstrated on the board how we use our Ipad to get into different apps.The F/1 students also worked together to make a list of Ipad rules to ensure we're always doing the right thing because we are so lucky to all have our own. 


Home Visits for the Foundation students last Wednesday: Another year, another lot of home visits for Miss Bennett. Her favourite!! This year Miss Bennett and Mrs Stockdale were once again welcomed by all of our Foundation families throughout the day and enjoyed spending some quality time with all of our wonderful Foundation Families. Miss Bennett enjoyed seeing bikes, scooters, getting her nails painted, chalk drawing outside, going in cubby houses and of course- jumping on the trampolines!! 


Showing off our Beehive classroom to our parents at the Welcome BBQ: What an amazing turnout for our Welcome BBQ! We all felt so proud of our classroom when we got to show it off to all of our school families. 


Starting our learning of letters and digraphs: The Foundation students have begun their learning about the letter M, they have been introduced to their new friend 'Milo the Monkey' and have been practicing pre-writing patterns. The Grade 1 students have refreshed their learning from last year with the digraph 'Sh' and have been focusing on placing their letters on the correct lines when writing a sentence. 


Singing Lily a Happy Birthday and sharing a birthday cake: It was Lil's birthday on Wednesday and we loved singing her happy birthday and enjoying some ice cream cake together to celebrate. We hope you had a fantastic birthday Lil!

We can't wait to see what learning we can share from the F/1 beehive next time. 

 Grade 1-2 Miss Hart

What an awesome start to the 2024 school year! We have had an absolute ball so far and all of your children have settled in very well. 


In Inquiry this term we are learning about Culture and how it is similar and different for everyone around us. As a tuning in, students brought in and spoke about a family artefact that held significance or importance to their families. We had some awesome entries, including a Blacksmith’s pair of tongs, WW2 bullets and dog tags, an accordion from the 1800s, a tea set and a pianola video. We are excited to continue our learning journey on culture.


In Maths, we have started our learning on Shape. Students took part in a ‘Shape Hunt’ around the school yard to identify shapes they could find. They were also asked to draw and label these on a mini whiteboard with their partner. As a class, we shared these shapes and explained where we could find them in the yard. Another activity students enjoyed was a ‘Shape Sort’ where they were given a handful of wooden shapes and asked to sort them as many ways as they could think of. We had lots of fun sorting the shapes into colour, by shape type, and whether a shape was two-dimensional or three-dimensional.


Literacy and Phonics, so far, has been all about revising our prior knowledge. We have learnt fun new games and activities to consolidate our learning.

Grade 3 Mrs Stock

Our Inquiry topic this Term is Intercultural Capability. The students will be looking at the similarities and differences between their own culture and others. They will have the opportunity to explore how cultural practices have similarities and differences in the following areas: such as choice of food, clothing or housing, cultural celebrations and language.


We asked the students to bring in a mystery artifact from home and then the students had to guess what it was, what is used for and where it is from. The students really enjoyed the opportunity to share their own artifacts and listen to the stories of others.

Grade 4 Mrs Loughran

Wow, what a fantastic start to 2024 in Grade 4!  I would like to thank the St Patrick’s community for making me feel welcome, every person I have met has definitely shown the PBIS value of Kindness.


The Grade 4 students have been learning our classroom routines, this has enabled all students to feel safe and successful as they are learning what the expectations are in our classroom.  We have been learning about Expected Behaviours - these are behaviours that give people around you good and comfortable thoughts about you.  We have been learning about Unexpected Behaviours - these are actions that give people uncomfortable thoughts about you.  


The students have been enjoying the mini library in our classroom - Here are some photos of the students enjoying the many different genres on offer.

It has also been wonderful to see so many of the artifacts students have shared for our inquiry topic “What are the similarities and differences between my own culture and others?

Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen

The Grade 5/6 students were asked what was their best thing about being back at school…


Seeing my friends and Miss Ras - Jack


The best thing being back to school is seeing my friends and learning new things - Andrea


The best thing about school is the classroom and my friends and my teacher and I love the upstairs, it is so cool, and being a grade five - Hugh


The best thing is to see my James and seeing my teachers - Jacob


Being in grade six and seeing friends - Caleb


The best thing about being back at school is getting to see my friends, making new friends and being in grade 6 - Riann


I really enjoy being back at school because I get to see my ‘girlfriends’ and I think it’s really nice to just hang out and talk – Amelie


The best thing about being back at school is getting to hang out with your friends and seeing our teachers again - Zac


My favourite thing about being in grade 6 is seeing my friends and getting to know the preps and other people in the school and also having a grade 6 t-shirt – Tamara


The best thing about being back at school is getting my grade 6 t shirt - Hannah


Seeing my friends - James


Seeing my friends - Colman


Seeing my teachers and my friends and Dani - Max


I like the that I got a grade 6 top - Isla


Playing with my friends - Cyril


Seeing my friends, teachers, buddies - Xavier


The best thing of being at school is seeing Miss Ras and friends - Colt


I am grateful to see my friends and teachers - Amelia


Not being bored - Dusty


Seeing my friends at school every day - Toby