Student Awards

Student of the Week 02/02/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Lily | For settling into school well and being a great listener. What a great start to your school journey. Well done!! |
P1M | Savanna | For settling into the classroom routines and showing her ‘whole body listening’ during learning times. Well done Savanna! |
12C | Jhye | For being a kind and caring friend to others. You have been very helpful all week. Congratulations on a great start to the year! |
34R | Azalea | For making a great start to the term. Azalea has quickly adapted to the classroom routine and she has shown excellent work habits. She is a positive role model and a caring friend to her classmates. |
34S | Madilyn | A brilliant first week back at Numurkah Primary School! It has been a very busy week and I think you have been an excellent role model for the younger students! |
56H | Emily | For quietly doing your personal best all week. You’ve demonstrated your capacity to be an excellent Year 6 leader for 2024 by setting a positive example for others to follow. Keep up the good work!
56W | Aubree | For making a fantastic start to the schooling year. You have followed the classroom rules and completed your work to a good standard. Keep up the good work. |
Science | Lyric | This week’s Science Award goes to one of our new student’s at Numurkah Primary School. This student produced excellent work for the Science Of Pets. Congratulations to Lyric Taylor. |
Values Rohan | Bonnie | This week’s Values Award goes to a polite, positive and helpful student, who always works to the best of her ability. Congratulations to Bonnie Decker. |