Religious Education News

Welcome to another exciting school year. This year we will continue to value our school’s Catholic heritage and identity through regular prayer gatherings, attending school Masses and liturgies as well as implementing authentic and engaging learning experiences for the students. If you have any questions regarding our Catholic identity, sacramental programs or prayer rituals, please email me or pop into the school to ask.
Beginning of the Year Mass
We will be celebrating our whole school beginning of the year Mass at 10am on Thursday February 29th at the St. Mary’s church. All families and community members are invited to attend. During the Mass our new Prep students will receive the traditional Prep buddy blessing from their grade six buddy team. This is a beautiful symbolic gesture and we ask that you remain seated and quiet during this time.
Prayer Gathering
Our weekly Prayer Gatherings will commence after our beginning of the school year Mass. Please see next fortnight’s Marian News for class dates.
Prayer Gathering Etiquette
We are lucky to be located so close to our beautiful church and be able to use it for our weekly Prayer Gatherings. A reminder that as we enter the church we are trying to create a prayerful and sacred space. We enter quietly and take a seat. You are welcome to sit anywhere but generally the classes will take up the majority of the front sections of the church. Food and beverages should not be brought into the church. Mobile phones should be off or switched to silent. At the end of Prayer Gathering it is appropriate to clap when prompted, however we refrain from clapping during the prayer time (eg. after a song). Parents are most welcome to stay and chat to each other after Prayer Gathering in the foyer or car park. All are welcome!
Jayne Brumby
Religious Education Leader