Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. During the 40 days of Lent we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is also a time to reflect and think about our own lives and changes that we can make from the heart.
What is the Meaning of Lent?
Just as we set aside time to spiritually prepare for Christmas Day, it makes sense to set aside time to prepare for the two most important days of the Christian year - Good Friday and Easter. Lent is a time that offers us an opportunity to come to terms with the human condition we may spend the rest of the year running from, bringing our need for a Saviour to the forefront. Lent is a time to open the doors of our hearts a little wider and understand our Lord a little deeper so that when Good Friday and Easter come, it is not just another day at church but an opportunity to receive the graces God has to offer.
Lent is more frequently observed as a solemn time of preparation for remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. From the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday till Lent ends on Easter Sunday, Lent is traditionally a time of fasting or giving something up, known as abstinence. Lent gives us time to prepare our minds and hearts for remembering the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Prayer is a significant focus during Lent. During the 40 days, we seek God's forgiveness, accept his love and mercy, and repent or turn from our sins. Fasting or abstaining from something, like our favourite food or activity, not only gives us time to pray but reminds us of Jesus' suffering and sacrifice.
Jesus, you placed great value on acting with integrity.
Your justice was applied to all, irrespective of who they were and what they did. Everything you did was out of love.
As a community, we seek your guidance to make good life choices.
When we are tempted to fall short of the mark, prop us up.
Lead us to that place that will give us happiness in what we say and do.
Make us strong to choose as you would choose, and to love as you would love.
Reconciliation Information Evening
A reminder to all Grade 2 and Grade 5 parents that a Reconciliation information evening will be held in the meeting space in the Church this evening. Two meetings will be held, one at 4pm and the other at 7pm. Families are to choose a time that suits. There may be some children in Grade 3 and 6 who didn’t get to receive the sacrament last year. They too are encouraged to attend the meeting. Information packs will be handed to families and details of the program will be discussed. I urge all families with children wishing to receive this sacrament to attend.
Parent Volunteer Form
Last week a form was sent home asking families to nominate initiatives that they are willing to assist with throughout the year. We will make contact with you to assist when required. Thank you to those families who have already returned their form. If these could be returned ASAP, it would be greatly appreciated.
Hats / Uniforms Named
A reminder to all families that hats are compulsory for all outdoor activities at this time of the year. Could you please ensure that all hats are brought to school each day and are clearly named. We are finding a lot of hats and other items of clothing left lying around unnamed.
We are very excited to introduce a new wellbeing initiative called SchoolTV. The wellbeing of our students is the number priority at St. Mary's and this is a wonderful resource for both staff and parents offering practical strategies, with a focus to empower confidence when difficulties arise.
We invite you to visit our SchoolTV site and view the wide range of content at;
COVID / Sickness / BBQ
Over the past week we have had a number of students and staff absent from school with COVID and other flu like symptoms. This has been contained mostly to the P-2 area of the school. As a result, we will postpone the BBQ tonight and re schedule it for Thursday 7th March at 6pm.
I ask that all families are diligent in keeping children at home should they be displaying flu like symptoms.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
A reminder that next Wednesday is a pupil free day.
Michael Mahoney (Principal)