Classroom Cuisine



Our canteen provider is Classroom Cuisine:

Canteen: How it works

1 Register your child

Register one or more children to confirm their school and class details. We require your contact telephone number and email address to send order and payment confirmations. 

You will then receive a password so that all future visits to our site are quick and easy. 

2 Choose Menu Items to make a 2 or 3 Course Lunch

Browse our menu items online every term and select  two or three courses from 30 options each day. 

Lunch Packs cost between $8.25 and $10.20 for a 2 Course lunch and between $9.95 and $11.90 for a 3 Course lunch.

3 Select dates to order for

You can order one day or as many days as you wish over the period of the menu, ordering up to 8:30am on the day it is required.

4 Confirm your order and payment

Payment is made when placing your order through a secure banking gateway accepting Visa and MasterCard, generating an email confirming your order and payment.

5 Relax while they do the rest

Lunches are delivered directly to school labelled with your child’s name and class details in environmentally friendly, temperature contolled tubs.