From the Classrooms
RULER - Class Charters
In 2023 RNPS undertook the RULER approach, an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL). A group of teachers undertook training and have been training the rest of the RNPS staff since. Through training in the RULER approach, teachers and leaders learn the skills to create and sustain a positive emotional climate, as well as support individual development of emotion skills for students and adults.
The beginning of 2024 has seen teachers and students setting up their classrooms using a RULER tool, Class Charters. The Charter builds and sustains positive emotional climates by creating agreed-upon norms for how people want to feel, then working together to agree upon behaviours that support those feelings. Each classroom around the school will have their own Charter. Using our whole school Values (Motivated, Inspirational, Grateful & Safe) each class have agreed upon behaviours that will create a classroom that best supports and promotes success for their wellbeing and learning.
Please have a chat with your child about their Class Charter to celebrate the wonderful efforts the students and teachers have put into them.
Preps This Week
The Prep classes have had a busy, but fun week. Click on the link below to see their happy faces:
*The above video was proudly produced by our wonderful Grade 6 Campaspe Captains
- Mahlia Isaac
- Jack Cutajar
- Lachlan Burrows
- Isabelle Weinert
Stay tuned for more amazing videos in future newsletters!
Grade 6 GRIP Conference