
2024 Swimming Carnival
And that’s a wrap!! The annual Sacred Heart Swimming Carnival was held last Wednesday and a fun filled day was had by all K-6 students and staff.
Congratulations to all students for participating and cheering on their peers. Well done to our Year 6 Leaders; Grace, Lucy and Emily for being such a great support on the day helping the younger students.
There was much excitement and anticipation for the final race of the day, 'the student versus parents relay race'. This year the parents were victorious!
Congratulations to the following students that were awarded medals for Junior and Senior Individual Swimming Champions:
Junior Champions - Brayden Dickens and Elsie Groves
Senior Champions - Kale Dickens and Grace Groves
The winning house on the day by two points was COX. House Captain Emily Valks congratulated her team for their efforts and also acknowledged NAMOI team for putting up a great fight.
A paper note will be sent home today to students who achieved qualifying times, offering students the opportunity to represent Sacred Heart School at the upcoming Diocesan Carnival on Friday, 1st March, in Gunnedah. These notes will need to be returned to school as soon as possible so that students can be nominated.
Students Of The Week ~ Term 1 Week 2
for Attitude, Values and Study Habits
K-2 ~ Ivy Guest (Yr 2)
for her consistent commitment to Mathematics.
Yr 3-6 ~ Elsie Groves (Yr 3)
for her excellent vowel digraph identification in Spelling.
Goals for Living Well Learning Well
We are Safe, We are Valued, Respected and Cared For, We are Learners
Last week's award winner was:
Emily Valks
for being a caring and positive role model at our swimming carnival.
Class Presentations
At last week's assembly the K-2 class showed their 'Get to Know Me' dogs and Yr 3-6 showed their 'Fruit & Vegie Portraits'.
Congratulations to Grace Groves for representing the Armidale Diocese at the Polding Trials at Sawtell last Friday.
I had a great time at Sawtell playing against girls from around the state and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I played a total of 4 games in singles matches. One of my opponents played in the Australian Open Juniors and was extremely good.