Lindy Burke

Wow, and just like that, the holidays are over and we are back at it and at the end of our first week of the 2024 school year!



Welcome back to our students, staff and Eastie community! It has been lovely to see old friends and new, reconnecting and sharing news of their holiday adventures over the last couple of days. Our students have settled in incredibly well and are enjoying the opportunity to begin a new year of learning. 


It was wonderful to welcome of newest little Easties yesterday and wow, what super stars they are! Our 2024 preps took to the prep routines like ducks to water. I can’t wait to see what these kids will achieve throughout their primary school Journey! Absolute legends!


Of course, it was also wonderful to see so, so many families come in this week to kick off the school year with their child/ren on day one! It is fabulous to have our families back in and around our school and I look forward to seeing you all much more throughout the year.


We also have a number of new families and we welcome them to the best school in Echuca! 😊 Make sure if you see a new face around the school, reach out and say hi, give them a big smile and a warm Eastie welcome!




Next Friday will be our first whole school assembly, where we celebrate our Student’s of the Week and finally announce our 2024 House Captains and present all of our Leaders with their badges. It will be a ripper, so don’t miss it!



Our parent-teacher interviews for Grades 1 - 6  are scheduled for Wednesday the 14th of Feb (week 3). These 10 minute appointments will provide you with the opportunity to meet your child/ren’s teacher and share any relevant and important information about your child/ren and their learning styles. Students will attend school on that day and participate in East Survivor.  We encourage all families to make the most of this opportunity. 

Appointments are open on SENTRAL today please open the Sentral app and go to the interview tile.



Our Student Management System/platform  is SENTRAL, and is our main communication tool with families. It will provide you with information about upcoming events, permission forms, newsletters, assessments and reporting. It is essential that all parents are connected to this platform. If you are having difficulties, please contact Mel at the office.


If you are not already connected to our Facebook page, make sure you jump on and follow. This is where we celebrate day to day happenings and many great school highlights!


Of course our school website also provides detailed information about our school, programs and procedures. So feel free to check it out, it is a useful resource if you are seeking out additional information about our school.


Again, what a fabulous start to the New Year and congratulations to all of our students who have seamlessly completed the first week of the term one 2024. As usual, our Easties do us proud!


Wishing everyone a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week!