Middle School

Year 9+10


Urban Experience - 9A, 9G, 9H: Program Reminders

  1. On the weekend - Organise and top up your MYKI
  2. Complete the online forms quiz 
  3. On Monday. students will go to normal classes periods 1-3. Period 4 we'll meet together in the Theatre, and period 5+6  will be classroom-based preparation activities. 
  4. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we're in the city. 



All year 9 students have the opportunity to take part in the program and start planning their future. Parents/Cares are asked to please login to Compass to provide consent (there is no cost). Click the link below for more information.




Week 4Mon 19 - Fri 23 FebY9 Urban Experience - 9A, 9G, 9H
Week 5Mon 26 Feb - Fri 1 MarY9 Urban Experience - 9D, 9F
Week 7Wed 13 MarY9+10 Division Sport
Week 7Tues 12th - 15th MarNAPLAN
Week 8Mon 18th Mar - 22nd MarNAPLAN
Week 8Mon 18th MarchY10 Be Wise Program 
Week 9Tue 26 - Thu 28 MarY9 Morrisby Careers 


Congratulations to the following students who have been noted on Compass with a green post to celebrate their academic achievements: 


Year 10

Willow Tiopira - English

Archie Dolence - VCD

Anderson Back - System Engineering

Jahan Sanghera - Systems Engineering

Joshua Ribeiro - Biology




Year 9

Rebecca Kerwin
Jaimi Paten
Ben Van Berkel
Rebecca Kerwin
Jaimi Paten
Ben Van Berkel

Year 10

Kaisha Corkery-Lavender
Jessica New
Rocco Montesano
Kaisha Corkery-Lavender
Jessica New
Rocco Montesano

Middle School Administration

Morgan Rose
Morgan Rose