Junior School

Year 7+8


We have had a few massive weeks in the Junior School. What a great start to the year we all have had with camps, assemblies and our whole school swimming sports this week! Term 1 is progressing so we anticipate that teachers will start assessing students over the next few weeks. 


Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136



Remember students must wear black, leather, lace-up school shoes with the academic uniform. Black leather sneakers are not acceptable. 


Students out-of-uniform should report to the Junior School Office before 8:50am with a note or email from a parent/carer explaining the reason. They will then be issued with a uniform pass. 



Please report to Jenny in then Junior School Office:

> Get a late pass when arriving at school after period 1 has started.

> Get an exit pass when leaving school early, then sign out at the Front Office. 



All mobile phones need to be stored securely in lockers during the school day and devices are only to be used for school purposes. 

LOST PROPERTY: Please label all uniform and equipment so we can get it back to you! 

> We still have some items left behind from camp. Please collect from the Junior School Office.

> An orange puffer jacket has gone missing. If anyone knows it's whereabouts please let us know.  


Thank you for your support with the above-mentioned items.

 Anita Smyth & Rachel Collins


Week 4Reminder: Thu 22 Feb is the final day to submit Leadership Application forms. See Ms O'Connor or the Junior School Office for further details. 
Week 5

Wed 28 Feb 

- Y7 Assembly period 2 (Theatre)

- Y8 Assembly period 3 (Theatre)

Weeks 7+8 


NAPLAN for Y7 students


Congratulations to the following students who have been noted on Compass with a Green Post to celebrate their academic achievements: 


Year 7 

  • Art - 7F (whole class)
  • Italian - Finley Rowe, Iffar Rahman, Sam Handley-Macciolli, Betim Kutleshi, Stefan Matic
  • Health & PE - Finley Rowe
  • Science - Ethan Kha, Jack Harvey
  • Maths - Iffar Rahman
  • Humanities - Gabriel Owusu-Afriyie
  • Community Involvement (Camp) - Brian Drage, Jarvis Crisp, Andrea Villanueva, Sam Handley-Macciolli, Jacob Ng, Annabelle Brown, Betim Kutleshi

Year 8: 

  • PE - Kameron Huynh
  • HPP - Daragh MacCreadie 
  • Digital Technology - Amelia Bainbridge, Carla Galang, Nina Le, Vanessa Nguyen, Jasmine Nguyen, April Bui, Hannah Pham 
  • Maths - Renato Beltran Yevenes, Hannah Pham, Leo Truong, Robbie Virk 
  • Italian - Christian Chasomeris, Stephanie Do, Xinxuan He, Jessica Huynh, Matias Lopez, Jennifer Luong, Arian Mujezinovic, Kalvin Phu, Josipa Spina, Lindon Sulaj, Chandy Tabar, Prince Tabar, Melita Taylor, Maddie Thomas-Clover, Bao Truong, Kavin Verma, Pheonix Vuong 
  • Ready to Learn (Attitude) - Kade Borsi, Zack Sacaner, Campbell Meacham  
  • Special Mentions: Prince Tabar, Chandy Tabar, Kalvin Phu and Xinxuan - being early to class, helping their teacher to set up the classroom and being productive in class. A great display of our College values.

Swimming Carnival Montage: such a great (HOT) day. Enjoy the pics!


Year 7 Team

Anita Smyth
Elizabeth Freitas
Clinton Hale
Anita Smyth
Elizabeth Freitas
Clinton Hale

Year 8 Team

Rachel Collins
Riannon Ognen
Jon Rosford
Rachel Collins
Riannon Ognen
Jon Rosford

Junior School Administration

Jenny Richards
Jenny Richards