APHS 40 Year Reunion 1984 -2024

Marion Coady - Principal

On Sunday 28 January, a group of former teachers who had shaped the history of our school gathered in the staffroom for a reunion. 


They reminisced about the old days and exchanged stories and anecdotes. This included footage of the school's construction and the very first school assembly.


One of the former teachers was Peter Robinson, the inaugural principal, who had the privilege of hand-picking the first staff members to work at the school. He recalled how he had interviewed each candidate and selected them based on their passion, dedication, and vision for the school.


Another highlight of the reunion was the tale of the royal visit in 1986, when Queen Elizabeth II graced the school with her presence. The teachers remembered how they had to follow strict protocols and etiquette for this visit.


The reunion also gave the opportunity for the past teachers to share their journeys after they left the school all of who have since retired from teaching.


At the reunion there was a tour of the school, where the past teachers marvelled at the changes and improvements that had taken place over the years. They also gave valuable information about the location of the time capsule!


As a teacher and a leader, I felt honoured and humbled to be part of this reunion. I am acutely aware that we stand on the shoulders of those who went before us. This group of teachers and leaders, led by Peter, had laid the foundations for the success and excellence of the students in the Aberfoyle Park, Flagstaff Hill, Clarendon and Happy Valley suburbs. 


I am proud to be the principal of our school, building on the legacy and achievements of the staff who started the school forty years ago.