From The Principal

Marion Coady

Welcome to the first newsletter for 2024.


The 2024 academic school year commenced on 29 January. We had a whole school assembly emceed by the two school captains. Our 2024 Student Representative Council, (SRC) were inducted in front of the students and staff. 


I would like to warmly welcome our new year 7 students along with students who have joined us in other year levels.


It is important that students work with their peers and teachers to take full advantage of the learning that is available to them. This requires not only concentrating on their work in class. It includes accessing the support provided by teachers both in and outside of lessons. Students need to develop a schedule of when their work is due and not fall into the trap of leaving things to the last minute. In other words, avoid procrastination. Seeking help early is essential, when students are unsure of what they have to do. Trying not to get behind with their work and allowing too many tasks to be tackled at the same time particularly as due dates loom.


A reminder that mobile phones are banned in school. Our process is that students, without exemptions need to secure their mobile phones and smart watches in their Yondr pouches. The Yondr locking and unlocking stations are located at entrances to the school. Students who arrive late or need to leave early can have their pouches locked or unlocked at Student Services.



During the school holidays there were some improvements around the school. 


This included:

  • Installation of additional CCTV mainly at the entrance/exit points in the school.
  • Maintenance and cleaning of the buildings internal and external.
  • Installation of lintels in food and hospitality.

Planned developments for 2024 include:

  • The construction of a new grounds shed.
  • Construction of a new student bike rack enclosure.
  • Upgrades to four single use student toilets.
  • Installation of new gutters and down pipes in science and advanced technology buildings.
  • External rendering and painting of the science and advanced technology buildings.
  • Construction of a mural on the external wall of the science laboratory block.


This year we have welcomed the new staff as follows:


Teaching -

Ms Amee Allison

Ms Melissa Applegate

Ms Annelle Ascough

Ms Amanda Chandler

Mr Alan Cook

Mr Nick Drury

Mr Joel Fitzgerald

Ms Kerry-Anne Grace

Mr Michael Harris

Ms Thirza Hayward

Ms Elle Laurence

Mr Craig McArdle

Mr Andrew McNichol

Ms Helen Pike


Support Staff -

Ms Ciara Flynn

Ms Jane Johnson

Ms Angela Winter


We have also welcomed our new Speech Pathologist Ms Eliza Mather who will be working with teachers to support student learning and achievement.


We have welcomed back -

Mr Simon Bell

Ms Anna Cocks

Ms Phoebe Cole

Mr Jeremy Holmes

Ms Effie Thomas


In addition to our teaching and support staff we have welcomed five pre-service teachers and a social worker on placements.


Ms Hayley Baker will not be returning to Aberfoyle Park High School as she has won a position in another school.

Sports Day 2024

The 2024 School Sports Day will be held on Thursday 7 March. 


Prior to the sports day, we are having house meetings for the four houses Yarta, Karla, Tindu and Tirntu. Students will be nominating for the events. There will be some pre-sport day events which will be held on 29 February.


Our Sports Day provides students with the opportunity to participate in a range of ways including contributing to the carnival atmosphere by dressing up in their house colours 

2023 Class of Year 12

The 2023 Class of Year 12 students face the end of the school year with their results being released on 18 December. Our students should be justly proud of their achievements.


A summary of the results for the 2023 Class of Year 12 includes:

  • There were 148 students who completed their SACE. This is another year in which 100% of our students achieved their SACE.
  • 101 students received an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR)
  • 52 students had Vocational Education and Training (VET) as part of their SACE.
  • 62.8% of the grades were in the A and B bands.
  • 5 students got an ATAR of 95 and above.
  • 21.78% got an ATAR between 80 and 89.99.
  • 103 students got at least one A grade with 38 students achieving between two and five A grades.
  • Six merits were awarded in Specialist Mathematics, English Literacy Studies, Physics and three in Research Project B.

Congratulations to Julia Mikhailova who achieved an ATAR of 99.85 with merits in Specialist Mathematics and English Literacy Studies. Julia is undertaking an Engineering degree at Sydney University. We will be inviting her to the Class of 2024 Graduation to acknowledge her achievements as the 2023 Dux of our school.


Our students have been offered places in a broad range of tertiary courses. They span across criminology, teaching, law, engineering, psychology, nutrition business management, design and medical science to name a few. We have students who are continuing their apprenticeships and traineeships and wishing well to those who are going into employment.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of the Year 12 subject teachers for their commitment and perseverance throughout 2023 and the unrelenting commitment to make sure students completed their work.

Governing Council

Information about the forthcoming Governing Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 20 February has been emailed to all families. Involvement in the Governing Council provides parents/caregivers with the opportunity to have input into the policies and direction of the school. There are a total of 16 positions on the Governing Council for parents/caregivers.


If you are interested in attending the AGM and/or nominate for the Governing Council, please contact Rachael Kuhl by ringing the school on 8270 44 55, select 4 or email 

2024 Leadership


Marion Coady - Principal

Cassie Dickeson - Deputy Principal

Ryan Brown - Assistant Principal: Innovation in Curriculum and Pedagogy including IGNITE

Fran Charlton - Assistant Principal: Senior School Innovation and 7-12 Career Education

Jarrod Chave - Assistant Principal: Information Systems Timetable and Daily Organisation

Jenna English - Assistant Principal - Middle school Innovation and 7-12 Wellbeing for Learning

Lee Pope - Business Leader


Curriculum Leadership

Steve Kammermann - The Arts

Fran Charlton - Cross Disciplinary studies related to SACE compulsory requirements

Chris Brookes - English/EALD

Amanda Chandler - HASS

Anita Sharrad - Health and Physical Education

Fran Charlton - VET

Nick Drury - Personal Learning Plan (PLP)

Joel Fitzgerald - Design and Technologies


Leadership Related to Wellbeing

Harmony Fenoughty - Year 12

Julie Mohtasham - Year 11

Nick Drury - Year 10

Shauna Thompson - Year 9

TBA - Year 8

Vanessa Ingram - Year 7



Amee Allison - IGNITE leader


Support for Learning Needs

Ben Young - Learning Inclusion including differentiation


Support for Specific Student Groups

Vanessa Ingram & Nigel Lockyer - First Nations students

Alanna Maurin - English as an additional language/dialect


Support for Student Wellbeing

Jules Hanrahan - Wellbeing Leader

Alan Peat - Wellbeing Leader


We will be advertising some positions later this term. Once the processes have been finalised about who has been appointed, information will be provide in the newsletter.