Classroom & Curriculum News

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program 2024
Please read the following attachments from Ms Tiziana Scimone about the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program for 2024. There are some exciting developments happening with the Stephanie Alexander Garden Program. Ms Scimone has been working hard to establish some connections with the broader community. One of these is with an organisation called Farmer's Pick. Through this initiative you will be able to order weekly boxes of fresh fruit and veg that will be delivered to school for you to collect. Each week St. Augustine's will receive a box of produce to use in support of the kitchen garden program. Through doing this you also directly support Victorian farmers.
Year Prep
Welcome to 2024. The Prep children have settled in well and are enjoying all aspects of school life. In Literacy, we are learning our letters and sounds- so far we have covered S, A, T, P and I and are practicing how to form these letters correctly. In writing we have begun to trace over simple sentences using the words "I am...". In Numeracy, we have begun to learn about making collections to 10 and using the words more, less, same/equal. In Religion, we have been talking about praying and the special places that we can pray.
The classrooms are looking so colourful as they are already filled with work produced by the students.
First Day of Prep
Year 1/2 News
What an amazing start to 2024 the Year 1/2s have had. Seeing all the happy smiling faces return to school has been wonderful! The students have been really settled and have got back into the routines with such ease. As we start our learning, we have enjoyed listening to the students share their holiday experiences, interact with each other & get to know their new class mates. In Writing, we have started to look at writing postcards to help us learn and understand recount writing. In Numeracy, we have begun learning about place value and counting forwards and backwards, exploring the concepts of bundling ones to tens and making numbers using ten-frames. In Religion, we have listened to the story of Jesus and the Children and have started to explore the Sacrament of Baptism.
We look forward to a wonderful year with all the students in Year 1/2.
Through Our Lens: The Westgate Bridge Disater
Chess Club 2024
Please read the attached letter from Grant the Chessman.