Careers Newsletter

To assist our Students and their Families when exploring a student’s post-school career options, we have our own dedicated Careers Newsletter. This newsletter is in addition to our fortnightly newsletter and provides information on university, careers, events and pathways to assist with a student’s decision.
It has been a fast start to the year in the careers department and planning is underway with lots of excursions, work experience and opportunities for all year levels.
Andrea Lucas is the Team Leader this year and she has come to the team with great ideas and plans to celebrate all things careers.
Cate West is the school Career Practitioner; Cate has been at the school for thirteen years supporting students with their pathways.
The school is also supported by Geared 4 Careers, Jo Anka, who support students in becoming work ready.
Wangaratta High School is also the base for the Headstart program, Cassy Campbell. Headstart is a program that supports students to gain a School Based Apprenticeship which will then go onto to full time employment.
On March 15th, the Year 11 students have the opportunity to go to Melbourne to attend the Victorian Careers & Employment Expo. This is the chance to attend free seminars, talk to Unis, TAFE’s, Apprenticeship & Traineeship organisations and have a go in the Skill Interactive Zone. All Year 11 students are invited to attend.
The Year 10 Work Experience (WEX) program will take place from Monday 20th to Friday 24th May. All Year 10 students are expected to participate in WEX, they are currently working in their Careers class to find a host employer for the week. The students will need to complete the Work Experience Arrangement and the Travel with Employer forms as well as complete the General and an Industry Specific Safe@Work certificates. Students can get support from their Careers teacher, Homeroom teacher and the Career’s team.
The Careers Team
Please feel free to contact our Careers Practitioner, Cate West, on 03 5723 0500 if you have any questions.
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