Sienna's Insights

This week I got the opportunity to visit Ms Steen’s VCE Food Technology class, and learn all about the things that they have been doing this Semester in food.


In Food Technology, this semester, they have been learning about Indigenous foods and flavours, as well as hunter-gatherers, which is society living nomadically.  Hunter-gatherers forage for bush foods, wild animals and plants and equally share the food.  They  depend on all members of the community to contribute. Students had the opportunity to try some natural tastes like lemon myrtle in bake-well tarts. 


During today’s lesson, I was lucky enough to see this wonderful class cooking Cupcake Lamingtons! They’re nearing the end of an area of study and got to cook something delicious to celebrate. I got the chance to speak with a few of the students, and ask some questions to get to know a few of them!


Does this subject inspire you to continue with cooking subjects or a future career?

Maddie: This subject inspires me to pursue a possible career in cooking in future maybe as a teacher!

Georgia: Yes! I really enjoy cooking so this class helps me learn new skills in a practical setting!


What is your favourite thing about this subject?

Maddie: I love getting to try new foods and ingredients from different cultures around the world.

Georgia: My favourite thing is trying new foods and getting to use new ingredients I've never tried.


What is your favourite food that you have gotten to make this term?

Maddie: My favourite food we've made this term so far is the bush spiced chicken souvlaki! It had so many different flavours making it super yummy!

Georgia: My favourite food has probably been the chicken souvlaki! Yum! 😋


I also got the opportunity to speak to the amazing Ms Steen, and ask her a few questions about VCE Food Technology!


Be honest, does your personal taste influence the recipes that you choose?!

Ms Steen:Haha! Maybe!! To be honest I am always asking my students for feedback on what we cook and what kinds of recipes they believe fit the curriculum for each subject. If feedback from the majority of students is that they find a dish unappealing, then I scrap it or modify it. It's really important for students to have agency and voice when it comes to what we cook. We are very lucky in Food Studies that there is such a variety of recipes and ingredients on offer that we can look at lots of option. Students these days are engaging with food ideas more in their socials and it's great when we can work together to produce recipes that pique their interest and enthusiasm!


What inspired you to choose this career pathway of becoming a cooking teacher?

Ms Steen: Interestingly it wasn't so much of a choice but a chance! If you've been at the school greater that a few years you will remember that I am an English/ Science teacher but when the opportunity arose to teach Food Studies, I couldn't say no! I completed extra studies to become qualified in the field and haven't looked back! Working in this space is a great way to connect with students in a hands on practical way and share my passion of this valuable life skill of creating meals and recipes. I am so grateful to have this job that I love so much.


This subject inspires so many students, and thanks to our incredibly dedicated food teachers, we have an amazing range of different recipes that they get to try each lesson! 


Thank you for giving me an insight into this class Ms Steen!


Sienna Reese

Art & Technology Captain