
Art Show
According to the Chinese Zodiac Animals Cycle, this is the Year of Dragon. Chinese dragons are symbolic of being lucky, powerful and noble.
Students in LOTE (Year 3-6) and Library Studies (Foundation-Year 2) coloured the dragon’s scales and helped gluing the scales onto the dragon which was presented on this year’s Art Show.
A special thank you to Callum (6M) for creating the dragon head. Also, credits to Level 4 boys – Jingchen (4B), Jacob (4C) and Nathan Y (4C) for making the paper claws for the dragon.
Level 3 – My Family
In Term 2, Level 3 students have started learning about family members such as parents, siblings and grandparents in Chinese. Students drew a family portrait and label their family members in Chinese accordingly.
Level 4 – Our Body
Level 4 students have been learning about body parts in Chinese in Term 2. We had fun singing and dancing the popular “Head and Shoulder” song in Chinese. We also learned to express our hair and eye colour in Chinese using the sentence “Wǒ de tóu fǎ shì hēi sè。我的头发是黑色。” (My hair is black colour.)
Level 5 – Our School
Level 5 students have been learning about school facilities in LOTE this term. Students have learned the Chinese names for different school facilities. We identified and labelled these school facilities on an enlarged school map, and we have learned more about our school.
Level 6 - Travelling
Level 6 students have been learning about travelling in Term 2. We have been learning some useful travel phrases to express “wǒ xiǎng qù/ chī/ hē/ mǎi…我想去/吃/喝/买…” (I want to go/eat/drink/buy…) in Chinese. Our Chinese background learners researched on famous Chinese landmarks, food and drinks, and souvenir and presented to the class.
Miss Choi
JPPS Languages