Health & PE Update

Level 1 and 2 Gymnastics
Thanks to Government funding as part of the Sporting Schools funding, our level 1 & 2 students started a 4 week Gymnastics program this week.
Over the next 3 weeks they will continue to participate building resilience, coordination and fundamental movement skills. The program has been developed by Gymnastics Australia and is developed by Triskills, a local coaching provider. The purpose of the program is to allow children to take part in safe and enjoyable activities that challenge their abilities and development.
Downball Championships
Over the coming weeks, students from level 3-5 will be given the opportunity to participate in year level Downball championships. The search is on for the schools premier Downballers to take on Miss Ward and myself to answer once and for all, who is the Downball King or Queen?
Students are also participating in an attempt to qualify for our school Downball team which will be competing next term at a Downball Championship.
Sports Stars of the Week
I’m keen to hear from students and parents about the sporting exploits of our students and highlight them here and at school. If your child has some sporting success, please feel free to email me and let me know.
Go Blues!
Darren Jenkins
PE TEacher & School Sport Coordinator
Division Cross Country
Last Wednesday 29 May, 23 students from Level 4, 5 & 6 competed in the Monash-Waverley Division Cross Country event at Mirrabooka Reserve in Blackburn.
All students gave it their best efforts against some very good competition to complete their designated distances.
Congratulations to Lacey R (5th), Jasmine K (10th) and Maggie K (1st in Multi Class) who finished in the top 12 of their event and will race at the Regional event on Thursday 13 June at Yarra Race Course.
Thank you to all the parents that came and supported on the day.
Scott Zachariassen
Interschool Sports Coordinator